TrainVectorClassifier-boost otbcli_TrainVectorClassifier TrainVectorClassifier (boost) Learning Train a classifier based on labeled geometries and a list of features to consider. ParameterVector io.vd Input Vector Data Input geometries used for training (note : all geometries from the layer will be used) False ParameterFile io.stats Input XML image statistics file XML file containing mean and variance of each feature. True OutputFile io.confmatout Output confusion matrix Output file containing the confusion matrix (.csv format). OutputFile io.out Output model Output file containing the model estimated (.txt format). ParameterString feat Field names for training features. List of field names in the input vector data to be used as features for training. False ParameterString cfield Field containing the class id for supervision Field containing the class id for supervision. Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account. class False ParameterNumber layer Layer Index Index of the layer to use in the input vector file. 0 True ParameterVector valid.vd Validation Vector Data Geometries used for validation (must contain the same fields used for training, all geometries from the layer will be used) True ParameterNumber valid.layer Layer Index Index of the layer to use in the validation vector file. 0 True ParameterSelection classifier Classifier to use for the training Choice of the classifier to use for the training. boost 0 False ParameterSelection classifier.boost.t Boost Type Type of Boosting algorithm. discrete real logit gentle 1 False ParameterNumber classifier.boost.w Weak count The number of weak classifiers. 100 False ParameterNumber classifier.boost.r Weight Trim Rate A threshold between 0 and 1 used to save computational time. Samples with summary weight <= (1 - weight_trim_rate) do not participate in the next iteration of training. Set this parameter to 0 to turn off this functionality. 0.95 False ParameterNumber classifier.boost.m Maximum depth of the tree Maximum depth of the tree. 1 False ParameterNumber rand set user defined seed Set specific seed. with integer value. 0 True