LSMSSegmentation otbcli_LSMSSegmentation Exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation, step 2 Segmentation Second step of the exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation workflow. ParameterRaster in Filtered image The filtered image (cf. Adaptive MeanShift Smoothing application). False ParameterRaster inpos Spatial image The spatial image. Spatial input is the displacement map (output of the Adaptive MeanShift Smoothing application). True OutputRaster out Output Image The output image. The output image is the segmentation of the filtered image. It is recommended to set the pixel type to uint32. ParameterNumber spatialr Spatial radius Spatial radius of the neighborhood. 5 True ParameterNumber ranger Range radius Range radius defining the radius (expressed in radiometry unit) in the multi-spectral space. 15 True ParameterNumber minsize Minimum Region Size Minimum Region Size. If, after the segmentation, a region is of size lower than this criterion, the region is deleted. 0 True ParameterNumber tilesizex Size of tiles in pixel (X-axis) Size of tiles along the X-axis. 500 False ParameterNumber tilesizey Size of tiles in pixel (Y-axis) Size of tiles along the Y-axis. 500 False ParameterFile tmpdir Directory where to write temporary files This applications need to write temporary files for each tile. This parameter allows choosing the path where to write those files. If disabled, the current path will be used. True ParameterBoolean cleanup Temporary files cleaning If activated, the application will try to clean all temporary files it created True True