/** * @brief The QgsFieldComboBox is a combo box which displays the list of fields of a given layer. * It might be combined with a QgsMapLayerComboBox to automatically update fields according to a chosen layer. * If expression must be used, QgsFieldExpressionWidget shall be used instead. * @see QgsMapLayerComboBox * @note added in 2.3 */ class QgsFieldComboBox : QComboBox { %TypeHeaderCode #include "qgsfieldcombobox.h" %End public: /** * @brief QgsFieldComboBox creates a combo box to display the fields of a layer. * The layer can be either manually given or dynamically set by connecting the signal QgsMapLayerComboBox::layerChanged to the slot setLayer. */ explicit QgsFieldComboBox( QWidget *parent /TransferThis/ = 0 ); //! return the currently selected field QString currentField(); //! Returns the currently used layer QgsVectorLayer* layer(); signals: //! the signal is emitted when the currently selected field changes void fieldChanged( QString fieldName ); public slots: //! set the layer of which the fields are listed void setLayer( QgsVectorLayer* layer ); //! convenience slot to connect QgsMapLayerComboBox layer signal void setLayer( QgsMapLayer* layer ); //! setField sets the currently selected field void setField( QString fieldName ); };