#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ /*************************************************************************** symbol_xml2db.py ------------------- begin : 26-5-2012 copyright : (C) 2012 by Arunmozhi email : aruntheguy at gmail dot com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ The script creates a sqlite3 Db for storing the symbols which will be shipped with QGIS by default. It then converts symbols and colorramps in the symbology_ng_style.xml to the database table entries. """ import sqlite3 from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString xmlfile = "../resources/symbology-style.xml" dbfile = "../resources/symbology-style.db" _symbol = "CREATE TABLE symbol("\ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"\ "name TEXT UNIQUE,"\ "xml TEXT,"\ "favorite INTEGER)" _colorramp = "CREATE TABLE colorramp("\ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"\ "name TEXT UNIQUE,"\ "xml TEXT,"\ "favorite INTEGER)" _tag = "CREATE TABLE tag("\ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"\ "name TEXT)" _tagmap = "CREATE TABLE tagmap("\ "tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"\ "symbol_id INTEGER)" _ctagmap = "CREATE TABLE ctagmap("\ "tag_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"\ "colorramp_id INTEGER)" _smartgroup = "CREATE TABLE smartgroup("\ "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"\ "name TEXT,"\ "xml TEXT)" create_tables = [_symbol, _colorramp, _tag, _tagmap, _ctagmap, _smartgroup] # Create the DB with required Schema conn = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) c = conn.cursor() print "Creating tables in the Database\n" for table in create_tables: try: c.execute(table) print table except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: pass conn.commit() # parse the XML file & write symbol into DB dom = parse(xmlfile) symbols = dom.getElementsByTagName("symbol") for symbol in symbols: symbol_name = symbol.getAttribute("name") symbol_favorite = symbol.getAttribute("favorite") if not symbol_favorite: symbol_favorite = 0 if '@' in symbol_name: parts = symbol_name.split('@') parent_name = parts[1] layerno = int(parts[2]) c.execute("SELECT xml FROM symbol WHERE name=(?)", (parent_name,)) symdom = parseString(c.fetchone()[0]).getElementsByTagName('symbol')[0] symdom.getElementsByTagName("layer")[layerno].appendChild(symbol) c.execute("UPDATE symbol SET xml=? WHERE name=?", (symdom.toxml(), parent_name)) else: c.execute("INSERT INTO symbol VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (None, symbol_name, symbol.toxml(), symbol_favorite)) conn.commit() # ColorRamps colorramps = dom.getElementsByTagName("colorramp") for ramp in colorramps: ramp_name = ramp.getAttribute("name") symbol_favorite = symbol.getAttribute("favorite") if not symbol_favorite: symbol_favorite = 0 c.execute("INSERT INTO colorramp VALUES (?,?,?,?)", (None, ramp_name, ramp.toxml(), symbol_favorite)) conn.commit() # Finally close the sqlite cursor c.close()