""" /*************************************************************************** Python Console for QGIS ------------------- begin : 2012-09-10 copyright : (C) 2012 by Salvatore Larosa email : lrssvtml (at) gmail (dot) com ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ Some portions of code were taken from https://code.google.com/p/pydee/ """ from __future__ import annotations import code import os import re import sys import traceback from typing import ( Optional, TYPE_CHECKING ) from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from qgis.PyQt.Qsci import QsciScintilla from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt, QCoreApplication from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import QKeySequence, QFontMetrics, QClipboard from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import QShortcut, QApplication from qgis.core import ( QgsApplication, Qgis, QgsProcessingUtils ) from qgis.gui import ( QgsCodeEditorPython, QgsCodeEditor, QgsCodeInterpreter ) from .process_wrapper import ProcessWrapper if TYPE_CHECKING: from .console import PythonConsoleWidget _init_statements = [ # Python "import sys", "import os", "from pathlib import Path", "import re", "import math", # QGIS "from qgis.core import *", "from qgis.gui import *", "from qgis.analysis import *", # # 3D might not be compiled in """ try: from qgis._3d import * except ModuleNotFoundError: pass """, "import processing", "import qgis.utils", "from qgis.utils import iface", # Qt "from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import *", "from qgis.PyQt.QtGui import *", "from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import *", "from qgis.PyQt.QtNetwork import *", "from qgis.PyQt.QtXml import *", r""" def __parse_object(object=None): if not object: return None import inspect if inspect.isclass(object): str_class = str(object) else: str_class = str(object.__class__) qgis_api_pattern = r".*qgis\._(\w+)\.(\w+).*" match = re.match(qgis_api_pattern, str_class) if match: module = match[1] obj = match[2] return 'qgis', module, obj pyqt_pattern = r".*PyQt5\.(\w+)\.(\w+).*" match = re.match(pyqt_pattern, str_class) if match: module = match[1] obj = match[2] return 'qt', module, obj """, r""" def _api(object=None): ''' Link to the QGIS API documentation for the given object. If no object is given, the main API page is opened. If the object is not part of the QGIS API but is a Qt object the Qt documentation is opened. ''' import webbrowser api = __parse_object(object) version = '' if 'master' in Qgis.QGIS_VERSION.lower() else re.findall(r'^\d.[0-9]*', Qgis.QGIS_VERSION)[0] if not api: webbrowser.open(f"https://qgis.org/api/{version}") elif api[0] == 'qgis': webbrowser.open(f"https://api.qgis.org/api/{version}/class{api[2]}.html") elif api[0] == 'qt': qtversion = '.'.join(qVersion().split(".")[:2]) webbrowser.open(f"https://doc.qt.io/qt-{qtversion}/{api[2].lower()}.html") """, r""" def _pyqgis(object=None): ''' Link to the PyQGIS API documentation for the given object. If no object is given, the main PyQGIS API page is opened. If the object is not part of the QGIS API but is a Qt object the Qt documentation is opened. ''' import webbrowser api = __parse_object(object) version = 'master' if 'master' in Qgis.QGIS_VERSION.lower() else re.findall(r'^\d.[0-9]*', Qgis.QGIS_VERSION)[0] if not api: webbrowser.open(f"https://qgis.org/pyqgis/{version}") elif api[0] == 'qgis': webbrowser.open(f"https://qgis.org/pyqgis/{version}/{api[1]}/{api[2]}.html") elif api[0] == 'qt': qtversion = '.'.join(qVersion().split(".")[:2]) webbrowser.open(f"https://doc.qt.io/qt-{qtversion}/{api[2].lower()}.html") """ ] # States of the interpreter PS1 = 0 # Writing a new command PS2 = 1 # Continuation of a multi-line command SUBPROCESS = 2 # Sending input to a subprocess class PythonInterpreter(QgsCodeInterpreter, code.InteractiveInterpreter): def __init__(self, shell: ShellScintilla): super(QgsCodeInterpreter, self).__init__() code.InteractiveInterpreter.__init__(self, locals=None) self.shell: ShellScintilla = shell self.sub_process = None self.buffer = [] for statement in _init_statements: try: self.runsource(statement) except ModuleNotFoundError: pass def execCommandImpl(self, cmd, show_input=True): # Child process running, input should be sent to it if self.currentState() == SUBPROCESS: sys.stdout.write(cmd + "\n") self.sub_process.write(cmd) return 0 if show_input: self.writeCMD(cmd) if self.currentState() == PS1: # This line makes single line commands with leading spaces work cmd = cmd.strip() # User entered: varname = !cmd # Run the command and assign the output to varname # Mimics IPython's behavior assignment_pattern = r"(\w+)\s*=\s*!(.+)" match = re.match(assignment_pattern, cmd) if match: varname = match[1] cmd = match[2] # Run the command in non-interactive mode self.sub_process = ProcessWrapper(cmd, interactive=False) # Concatenate stdout and stderr res = (self.sub_process.stdout + self.sub_process.stderr).strip() # Use a temporary file to communicate the result to the inner interpreter tmp = Path(NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False).name) tmp.write_text(res, encoding="utf-8") self.runsource(f'{varname} = Path("{tmp}").read_text(encoding="utf-8").split("\\n")') tmp.unlink() self.sub_process = None return 0 # User entered: !cmd # Run the command and stream the output to the console # While the process is running, the console is in state 2 meaning # that all input is sent to the child process # Mimics IPython's behavior elif cmd.startswith("!"): cmd = cmd[1:] self.sub_process = ProcessWrapper(cmd) self.sub_process.finished.connect(self.processFinished) return 0 res = 0 import webbrowser version = 'master' if 'master' in Qgis.QGIS_VERSION.lower() else \ re.findall(r'^\d.[0-9]*', Qgis.QGIS_VERSION)[0] if cmd == "?": self.shell.console_widget.shell_output.insertHelp() elif cmd == '_pyqgis': webbrowser.open("https://qgis.org/pyqgis/{}".format(version)) elif cmd == '_api': webbrowser.open("https://qgis.org/api/{}".format('' if version == 'master' else version)) elif cmd == '_cookbook': webbrowser.open( "https://docs.qgis.org/{}/en/docs/pyqgis_developer_cookbook/".format( 'testing' if version == 'master' else version)) else: self.buffer.append(cmd) src = "\n".join(self.buffer) res = self.runsource(src) if res == 0: self.buffer = [] return res def writeCMD(self, txt): if sys.stdout: sys.stdout.fire_keyboard_interrupt = False if len(txt) > 0: sys.stdout.write(f'{self.promptForState()} {txt}\n') def runsource(self, source, filename='', symbol='single'): if sys.stdout: sys.stdout.fire_keyboard_interrupt = False hook = sys.excepthook try: def excepthook(etype, value, tb): self.write("".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb))) sys.excepthook = excepthook return super(PythonInterpreter, self).runsource(source, filename, symbol) finally: sys.excepthook = hook def currentState(self): if self.sub_process: return SUBPROCESS return super().currentState() def promptForState(self, state=-1): if state == -1: state = self.currentState() if state == SUBPROCESS: return " : " elif state == PS2: return "..." else: return ">>>" def processFinished(self, errorcode): self.sub_process = None self.shell.updatePrompt() class ShellScintilla(QgsCodeEditorPython): def __init__(self, console_widget: PythonConsoleWidget): # We set the ImmediatelyUpdateHistory flag here, as users can easily # crash QGIS by entering a Python command, and we don't want the # history leading to the crash lost... super().__init__(console_widget, [], QgsCodeEditor.Mode.CommandInput, flags=QgsCodeEditor.Flags(QgsCodeEditor.Flag.CodeFolding | QgsCodeEditor.Flag.ImmediatelyUpdateHistory)) self.console_widget: PythonConsoleWidget = console_widget self._interpreter = PythonInterpreter(shell=self) self.setInterpreter(self._interpreter) self.opening = ['(', '{', '[', "'", '"'] self.closing = [')', '}', ']', "'", '"'] self.setHistoryFilePath( os.path.join(QgsApplication.qgisSettingsDirPath(), "console_history.txt")) self.refreshSettingsShell() # Disable command key ctrl, shift = self.SCMOD_CTRL << 16, self.SCMOD_SHIFT << 16 self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('L') + ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('T') + ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('D') + ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('Z') + ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('Y') + ctrl) self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_CLEARCMDKEY, ord('L') + ctrl + shift) # New QShortcut = ctrl+space/ctrl+alt+space for Autocomplete self.newShortcutCSS = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Modifier.CTRL | Qt.Modifier.SHIFT | Qt.Key.Key_Space), self) self.newShortcutCAS = QShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.Modifier.CTRL | Qt.Modifier.ALT | Qt.Key.Key_Space), self) self.newShortcutCSS.setContext(Qt.ShortcutContext.WidgetShortcut) self.newShortcutCAS.setContext(Qt.ShortcutContext.WidgetShortcut) self.newShortcutCAS.activated.connect(self.autoComplete) self.newShortcutCSS.activated.connect(self.showHistory) self.sessionHistoryCleared.connect(self.on_session_history_cleared) self.persistentHistoryCleared.connect(self.on_persistent_history_cleared) def _setMinimumHeight(self): font = self.lexer().defaultFont(0) fm = QFontMetrics(font) self.setMinimumHeight(fm.height() + 10) def refreshSettingsShell(self): # Set Python lexer self.initializeLexer() # Sets minimum height for input area based of font metric self._setMinimumHeight() def on_session_history_cleared(self): msgText = QCoreApplication.translate('PythonConsole', 'Session history cleared successfully.') self.console_widget.callWidgetMessageBar(msgText) def on_persistent_history_cleared(self): msgText = QCoreApplication.translate('PythonConsole', 'History cleared successfully.') self.console_widget.callWidgetMessageBar(msgText) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.modifiers() & (Qt.KeyboardModifier.ControlModifier | Qt.KeyboardModifier.MetaModifier) and e.key() == Qt.Key.Key_C and not self.hasSelectedText(): if self._interpreter.sub_process: sys.stderr.write("Terminate child process\n") self._interpreter.sub_process.kill() self._interpreter.sub_process = None self.updatePrompt() return # update the live history self.updateSoftHistory() super().keyPressEvent(e) self.updatePrompt() def mousePressEvent(self, e): """ Re-implemented to handle the mouse press event. e: the mouse press event (QMouseEvent) """ self.setFocus() if e.button() == Qt.MouseButton.MiddleButton: stringSel = QApplication.clipboard().text(QClipboard.Mode.Selection) if not self.isCursorOnLastLine(): self.moveCursorToEnd() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringSel) e.accept() else: QgsCodeEditorPython.mousePressEvent(self, e) def paste(self): """ Method to display data from the clipboard. XXX: It should reimplement the virtual QScintilla.paste method, but it seems not used by QScintilla code. """ stringPaste = QApplication.clipboard().text() if self.isCursorOnLastLine(): if self.hasSelectedText(): self.removeSelectedText() else: self.moveCursorToEnd() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringPaste) # Drag and drop def dropEvent(self, e): if e.mimeData().hasText(): stringDrag = e.mimeData().text() self.insertFromDropPaste(stringDrag) self.setFocus() e.setDropAction(Qt.DropAction.CopyAction) e.accept() else: QgsCodeEditorPython.dropEvent(self, e) def insertFromDropPaste(self, textDP): pasteList = textDP.splitlines() if pasteList: for line in pasteList[:-1]: cleanLine = line.replace(">>> ", "").replace("... ", "") self.insert(cleanLine) self.moveCursorToEnd() self.runCommand(self.text()) if pasteList[-1] != "": line = pasteList[-1] cleanLine = line.replace(">>> ", "").replace("... ", "") curpos = self.getCursorPosition() self.insert(cleanLine) self.setCursorPosition(curpos[0], curpos[1] + len(cleanLine)) def insertTextFromFile(self, listOpenFile): for line in listOpenFile[:-1]: self.append(line) self.moveCursorToEnd() self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) self.runCommand(self.text()) self.append(listOpenFile[-1]) self.moveCursorToEnd() self.SendScintilla(QsciScintilla.SCI_DELETEBACK) def entered(self): self.moveCursorToEnd() self.runCommand(self.text()) self.setFocus() self.moveCursorToEnd() def write(self, txt): if sys.stderr: sys.stderr.write(txt) def runFile(self, filename, override_file_name: Optional[str] = None): filename = filename.replace("\\", "/") dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) # Append the directory of the file to the path and set __file__ to the filename self._interpreter.execCommandImpl("sys.path.append({0})".format( QgsProcessingUtils.stringToPythonLiteral(dirname)), False) self._interpreter.execCommandImpl("__file__ = {0}".format( QgsProcessingUtils.stringToPythonLiteral(filename)), False) try: # Run the file self.runCommand("exec(compile(Path({0}).read_text(), {1}, 'exec'))".format( QgsProcessingUtils.stringToPythonLiteral(filename), QgsProcessingUtils.stringToPythonLiteral(override_file_name or filename)), skipHistory=True) finally: # Remove the directory from the path and delete the __file__ variable self._interpreter.execCommandImpl("del __file__", False) self._interpreter.execCommandImpl("sys.path.remove({0})".format( QgsProcessingUtils.stringToPythonLiteral(dirname)), False)