{ "name": "try", "type": "function", "groups": ["Conditionals"], "description": "Tries an expression and returns its value if error-free. If the expression returns an error, an alternative value will be returned when provided otherwise the function will return NULL.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "expression", "description": "the expression which should be run" }, { "arg": "alternative", "optional": true, "description": "the result which will be returned if the expression returns an error." }], "examples": [{ "expression": "try( to_int( '1' ), 0 )", "returns": "1" }, { "expression": "try( to_int( 'a' ), 0 )", "returns": "0" }, { "expression": "try( to_date( 'invalid_date' ) )", "returns": "NULL" }], "tags": ["return", "tries", "error", "alternative", "provided", "exception"] }