{ "name": "substr", "type": "function", "groups": ["String"], "description": "Returns a part of a string.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "string", "description": "the full input string" }, { "arg": "start", "description": "integer representing start position to extract beginning with 1; if start is negative, the return string will begin at the end of the string minus the start value" }, { "arg": "length", "optional": true, "description": "integer representing length of string to extract; if length is negative, the return string will omit the given length of characters from the end of the string" }], "examples": [{ "expression": "substr('HELLO WORLD',3,5)", "returns": "'LLO W'" }, { "expression": "substr('HELLO WORLD',6)", "returns": "' WORLD'" }, { "expression": "substr('HELLO WORLD',-5)", "returns": "'WORLD'" }, { "expression": "substr('HELLO',3,-1)", "returns": "'LL'" }, { "expression": "substr('HELLO WORLD',-5,2)", "returns": "'WO'" }, { "expression": "substr('HELLO WORLD',-5,-1)", "returns": "'WORL'" }], "tags": ["part"] }