{ "name": "is_attribute_valid", "type": "function", "groups": ["Record and Attributes"], "description": "Returns TRUE if a specific feature attribute meets all constraints.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "attribute", "description": "an attribute name" },{ "arg": "feature", "description": "A feature. If not set, the current feature will be used.", "optional": true },{ "arg": "layer", "description": "A vector layer. If not set, the current layer will be used.", "optional": true },{ "arg": "strength", "description": "Set to 'hard' or 'soft' to narrow down to a specific constraint type. If not set, the function will return FALSE if either a hard or a soft constraint fails.", "optional": true }], "examples": [{ "expression": "is_attribute_valid('HECTARES')", "returns": "TRUE if the current feature's value in the \"HECTARES\" field meets all constraints." }, { "expression": "is_attribute_valid('HOUSES',get_feature('my_layer', 'FID', 10), 'my_layer')", "returns": "FALSE if the value in the \"HOUSES\" field from the feature with \"FID\"=10 in 'my_layer' fails to meet all constraints." }], "tags": ["constraints", "hard", "soft"] }