{ "name": "get_feature", "type": "function", "groups": ["Record and Attributes"], "description": "Returns the first feature of a layer matching a given attribute value.", "variants": [{ "variant": "Single value variant", "variant_description": "Along with the layer ID, a single column and value are specified.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "layer", "description": "layer name or ID" }, { "arg": "attribute", "description": "attribute name to use for the match" }, { "arg": "value", "description": "attribute value to match" }], "examples": [{ "expression": "get_feature('streets','name','main st')", "returns": "first feature found in \"streets\" layer with \"main st\" value in the \"name\" field" }] }, { "variant": "Map variant", "variant_description": "Along with the layer ID, a map containing the columns (key) and their respective value to be used.", "arguments": [{ "arg": "layer", "description": "layer name or ID" }, { "arg": "attribute", "description": "Map containing the column and value pairs to use" }], "examples": [{ "expression": "get_feature('streets',map('name','main st','lane_num','4'))", "returns": "first feature found in \"streets\" layer with \"main st\" value in the \"name\" field and \"4\" value in the \"lane_num\" field" }] }], "tags": ["attribute", "first", "matching", "search", "find"] }