""" /*************************************************************************** Plugin Installer module ------------------- Date : May 2013 Copyright : (C) 2013 by Borys Jurgiel Email : info at borysjurgiel dot pl This module is based on former plugin_installer plugin: Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Matthew Perry Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Borys Jurgiel ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ """ import os import json import zipfile from functools import partial from qgis.PyQt import sip from qgis.PyQt.QtCore import Qt, QObject, QDateTime, QDir, QUrl, QFileInfo, QFile from qgis.PyQt.QtWidgets import ( QApplication, QDialog, QDialogButtonBox, QFrame, QMessageBox, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton, ) from qgis.PyQt.QtNetwork import QNetworkRequest from qgis.core import ( Qgis, QgsApplication, QgsMessageLog, QgsNetworkAccessManager, QgsSettings, QgsSettingsTree, QgsNetworkRequestParameters, ) from qgis.gui import QgsMessageBar, QgsPasswordLineEdit, QgsHelp from qgis.utils import ( iface, startPlugin, unloadPlugin, loadPlugin, OverrideCursor, updateAvailablePlugins, plugins_metadata_parser, isPluginLoaded, HOME_PLUGIN_PATH, ) from .installer_data import repositories, plugins, officialRepo, reposGroup, removeDir from .qgsplugininstallerinstallingdialog import QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog from .qgsplugininstallerpluginerrordialog import QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog from .qgsplugininstallerfetchingdialog import QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog from .qgsplugininstallerrepositorydialog import QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDialog from .unzip import unzip from .plugindependencies import find_dependencies from .qgsplugindependenciesdialog import QgsPluginDependenciesDialog # public instances: pluginInstaller = None def initPluginInstaller(): global pluginInstaller pluginInstaller = QgsPluginInstaller() # -------------------------------------------------------- # class QgsPluginInstaller(QObject): """The main class for managing the plugin installer stuff""" # ----------------------------------------- # def __init__(self): """Initialize data objects, starts fetching if appropriate, and warn about/removes obsolete plugins""" QObject.__init__(self) # initialize QObject in order to to use self.tr() repositories.load() plugins.getAllInstalled() self.message_bar_widget = None if ( repositories.checkingOnStart() and repositories.timeForChecking() and repositories.allEnabled() ): # start fetching repositories repositories.checkingDone.connect(self.checkingDone) for key in repositories.allEnabled(): repositories.requestFetching(key) else: # no fetching at start, so mark all enabled repositories as requesting to be fetched. for key in repositories.allEnabled(): repositories.setRepositoryData(key, "state", 3) # look for obsolete plugins updates (the user-installed one is older than the core one) for key in plugins.obsoletePlugins: plugin = plugins.localCache[key] msg = QMessageBox() msg.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msg.setWindowTitle(self.tr("QGIS Python Plugin Installer")) msg.addButton( self.tr("Uninstall (recommended)"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.AcceptRole ) msg.addButton( self.tr("I will uninstall it later"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.RejectRole ) msg.setText( "{} {}

{}".format( self.tr("Obsolete plugin:"), plugin["name"], self.tr( "QGIS has detected an obsolete plugin that masks its more recent version shipped with this copy of QGIS. This is likely due to files associated with a previous installation of QGIS. Do you want to remove the old plugin right now and unmask the more recent version?" ), ) ) msg.exec() if not msg.result(): settings = QgsSettings() plugin_is_active = settings.value( "/PythonPlugins/" + key, False, type=bool ) # uninstall the update, update utils and reload if enabled self.uninstallPlugin(key, quiet=True) updateAvailablePlugins() if plugin_is_active: settings.setValue( "/PythonPlugins/watchDogTimestamp/" + key, QDateTime.currentDateTime().toSecsSinceEpoch(), ) loadPlugin(key) startPlugin(key) settings.remove("/PythonPlugins/watchDogTimestamp/" + key) # ----------------------------------------- # def fetchAvailablePlugins(self, reloadMode): """Fetch plugins from all enabled repositories.""" """ reloadMode = true: Fully refresh data from QgsSettings to mRepositories """ """ reloadMode = false: Fetch unready repositories only """ if reloadMode: repositories.load() plugins.clearRepoCache() plugins.getAllInstalled() for key in repositories.allEnabled(): if ( reloadMode or repositories.all()[key]["state"] == 3 ): # if state = 3 (error or not fetched yet), try to fetch once again repositories.requestFetching(key, force_reload=reloadMode) if repositories.fetchingInProgress(): fetchDlg = QgsPluginInstallerFetchingDialog(iface.mainWindow()) fetchDlg.exec() del fetchDlg for key in repositories.all(): repositories.killConnection(key) # display error messages for every unavailable repository, unless Shift pressed nor all repositories are unavailable keepQuiet = QgsApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifiers( Qt.KeyboardModifier.ShiftModifier ) if ( repositories.allUnavailable() and repositories.allUnavailable() != repositories.allEnabled() ): for key in repositories.allUnavailable(): if not keepQuiet: QMessageBox.warning( iface.mainWindow(), self.tr("QGIS Python Plugin Installer"), self.tr("Error reading repository:") + " " + key + "\n\n" + repositories.all()[key]["error"], ) if QgsApplication.keyboardModifiers() == Qt.KeyboardModifiers( Qt.KeyboardModifier.ShiftModifier ): keepQuiet = True # finally, rebuild plugins from the caches plugins.rebuild() # ----------------------------------------- # def checkingDone(self): """Remove the "Looking for new plugins..." label and display a notification instead if any updates available""" # rebuild plugins cache plugins.rebuild() # look for news in the repositories plugins.markNews() # then check for updates (and eventually overwrite status) updatable_plugin_names = [] for _, properties in plugins.all().items(): if properties["status"] == "upgradeable": updatable_plugin_names.append(properties["name"]) if not updatable_plugin_names: return if len(updatable_plugin_names) >= 2: status = self.tr("Multiple plugin updates are available") else: status = self.tr("An update to the {} plugin is available").format( updatable_plugin_names[0] ) QgsMessageLog.logMessage( "Plugin update(s) available : {}".format(",".join(updatable_plugin_names)), self.tr("Plugins"), ) bar = iface.messageBar() self.message_bar_widget = bar.createMessage("", status) update_button = QPushButton(self.tr("Install Updates…")) tab_index = 3 # PLUGMAN_TAB_UPGRADEABLE update_button.pressed.connect( partial(self.showPluginManagerWhenReady, tab_index) ) self.message_bar_widget.layout().addWidget(update_button) bar.pushWidget(self.message_bar_widget, Qgis.MessageLevel.Info) # ----------------------------------------- # def exportRepositoriesToManager(self): """Update manager's repository tree widget with current data""" iface.pluginManagerInterface().clearRepositoryList() for key in repositories.all(): url = repositories.all()[key]["url"] + repositories.urlParams() if repositories.inspectionFilter(): enabled = key == repositories.inspectionFilter() else: enabled = repositories.all()[key]["enabled"] iface.pluginManagerInterface().addToRepositoryList( { "name": key, "url": url, "enabled": enabled and "true" or "false", "valid": repositories.all()[key]["valid"] and "true" or "false", "state": str(repositories.all()[key]["state"]), "error": repositories.all()[key]["error"], "inspection_filter": repositories.inspectionFilter() and "true" or "false", } ) # ----------------------------------------- # def exportPluginsToManager(self): """Insert plugins metadata to QgsMetadataRegistry""" iface.pluginManagerInterface().clearPythonPluginMetadata() for key in plugins.all(): plugin = plugins.all()[key] iface.pluginManagerInterface().addPluginMetadata( { "id": key, "plugin_id": plugin["plugin_id"] or "", "name": plugin["name"], "description": plugin["description"], "about": plugin["about"], "category": plugin["category"], "tags": plugin["tags"], "changelog": plugin["changelog"], "author_name": plugin["author_name"], "author_email": plugin["author_email"], "homepage": plugin["homepage"], "tracker": plugin["tracker"], "code_repository": plugin["code_repository"], "version_installed": plugin["version_installed"], "library": plugin["library"], "icon": plugin["icon"], "readonly": plugin["readonly"] and "true" or "false", "installed": plugin["installed"] and "true" or "false", "available": plugin["available"] and "true" or "false", "status": plugin["status"], "status_exp": plugin["status_exp"], "error": plugin["error"], "error_details": plugin["error_details"], "create_date": plugin["create_date"], "update_date": plugin["update_date"], "create_date_stable": plugin["create_date_stable"], "update_date_stable": plugin["update_date_stable"], "create_date_experimental": plugin["create_date_experimental"], "update_date_experimental": plugin["update_date_experimental"], "experimental": plugin["experimental"] and "true" or "false", "deprecated": plugin["deprecated"] and "true" or "false", "trusted": plugin["trusted"] and "true" or "false", "version_available": plugin["version_available"], "version_available_stable": plugin["version_available_stable"] or "", "version_available_experimental": plugin[ "version_available_experimental" ] or "", "zip_repository": plugin["zip_repository"], "download_url": plugin["download_url"], "download_url_stable": plugin["download_url_stable"], "download_url_experimental": plugin["download_url_experimental"], "filename": plugin["filename"], "downloads": plugin["downloads"], "average_vote": plugin["average_vote"], "rating_votes": plugin["rating_votes"], "plugin_dependencies": plugin.get("plugin_dependencies", None), "pythonic": "true", } ) iface.pluginManagerInterface().reloadModel() # ----------------------------------------- # def reloadAndExportData(self): """Reload All repositories and export data to the Plugin Manager""" self.fetchAvailablePlugins(reloadMode=True) self.exportRepositoriesToManager() self.exportPluginsToManager() # ----------------------------------------- # def showPluginManagerWhenReady(self, *params): """Open the plugin manager window. If fetching is still in progress, it shows the progress window first""" """ Optionally pass the index of tab to be opened in params """ if self.message_bar_widget: if not sip.isdeleted(self.message_bar_widget): iface.messageBar().popWidget(self.message_bar_widget) self.message_bar_widget = None self.fetchAvailablePlugins(reloadMode=False) self.exportRepositoriesToManager() self.exportPluginsToManager() # finally, show the plugin manager window tabIndex = -1 if len(params) == 1: indx = str(params[0]) if indx.isdigit() and int(indx) > -1 and int(indx) < 7: tabIndex = int(indx) iface.pluginManagerInterface().showPluginManager(tabIndex) # ----------------------------------------- # def onManagerClose(self): """Call this method when closing manager window - it resets last-use-dependent values.""" plugins.updateSeenPluginsList() repositories.saveCheckingOnStartLastDate() # ----------------------------------------- # def exportSettingsGroup(self): """Return QgsSettings settingsGroup value""" # todo QGIS 4 remove return "plugin-manager" # ----------------------------------------- # def upgradeAllUpgradeable(self): """Reinstall all upgradeable plugins""" for key in plugins.allUpgradeable(): self.installPlugin(key, quiet=True) # ----------------------------------------- # def installPlugin(self, key, quiet=False, stable=True): """Install given plugin""" error = False status_key = "status" if stable else "status_exp" infoString = ("", "") plugin = plugins.all()[key] previousStatus = plugin[status_key] if not plugin: return if ( plugin[status_key] == "newer" and not plugin["error"] ): # ask for confirmation if user downgrades an usable plugin if ( QMessageBox.warning( iface.mainWindow(), self.tr("QGIS Python Plugin Installer"), self.tr( "Are you sure you want to downgrade the plugin to the latest available version? The installed one is newer!" ), QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes, QMessageBox.StandardButton.No, ) == QMessageBox.StandardButton.No ): return # if plugin is active, unload it before update, see https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/54968 pluginWasLoaded = isPluginLoaded(plugin["id"]) if pluginWasLoaded: unloadPlugin(plugin["id"]) dlg = QgsPluginInstallerInstallingDialog( iface.mainWindow(), plugin, stable=stable ) dlg.exec() plugin_path = HOME_PLUGIN_PATH + "/" + key if dlg.result(): error = True infoString = (self.tr("Plugin installation failed"), dlg.result()) # download failed or aborted. If plugin was active before the update, let's try to load it back if pluginWasLoaded and loadPlugin(plugin["id"]): startPlugin(plugin["id"]) elif not QDir(plugin_path).exists(): error = True infoString = ( self.tr("Plugin has disappeared"), self.tr( 'The plugin seems to have been installed but it\'s not possible to know where. The directory "{}" ' "has not been found. Probably the plugin package contained a wrong named directory.\nPlease search " "the list of installed plugins. You should find the plugin there, but it's not possible to " "determine which of them it is and it's also not possible to inform you about available updates. " "Please contact the plugin author and submit this issue." ).format(plugin_path), ) with OverrideCursor(Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor): plugins.getAllInstalled() plugins.rebuild() self.exportPluginsToManager() else: QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor) # update the list of plugins in plugin handling routines updateAvailablePlugins() self.processDependencies(plugin["id"]) # try to load the plugin loadPlugin(plugin["id"]) plugins.getAllInstalled() plugins.rebuild() plugin = plugins.all()[key] if not plugin["error"]: if previousStatus in ["not installed", "new"]: infoString = (self.tr("Plugin installed successfully"), "") if startPlugin(plugin["id"]): settings = QgsSettings() settings.setValue("/PythonPlugins/" + plugin["id"], True) else: infoString = (self.tr("Plugin reinstalled successfully"), "") if pluginWasLoaded: loadPlugin(plugin["id"]) startPlugin(plugin["id"]) else: unloadPlugin( key ) # Just for a case. Will exit quietly if really not loaded loadPlugin(key) if quiet: infoString = (None, None) QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() else: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() if plugin["error"] == "incompatible": message = self.tr( "The plugin is not compatible with this version of QGIS. It's designed for QGIS versions:" ) message += " " + plugin["error_details"] + "" elif plugin["error"] == "dependent": message = self.tr( "The plugin depends on some components missing on your system. You need to install the following Python module in order to enable it:" ) message += " " + plugin["error_details"] + "" else: message = self.tr("The plugin is broken. Python said:") message += "
" + plugin["error_details"] + "" dlg = QgsPluginInstallerPluginErrorDialog(iface.mainWindow(), message) dlg.exec() if dlg.result(): # revert installation pluginDir = HOME_PLUGIN_PATH + "/" + plugin["id"] result = removeDir(pluginDir) if QDir(pluginDir).exists(): error = True infoString = (self.tr("Plugin uninstall failed"), result) try: exec("sys.path_importer_cache.clear()") exec("import %s" % plugin["id"]) exec("reload (%s)" % plugin["id"]) except: pass else: try: exec("del sys.modules[%s]" % plugin["id"]) except: pass plugins.getAllInstalled() plugins.rebuild() self.exportPluginsToManager() if infoString[0]: level = error and Qgis.MessageLevel.Critical or Qgis.MessageLevel.Info msg = "%s" % infoString[0] if infoString[1]: msg += ": %s" % infoString[1] iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage(msg, level) # ----------------------------------------- # def uninstallPlugin(self, key, quiet=False): """Uninstall given plugin""" if key in plugins.all(): plugin = plugins.all()[key] else: plugin = plugins.localCache[key] if not plugin: return if not quiet: warning = ( self.tr("Are you sure you want to uninstall the following plugin?") + "\n(" + plugin["name"] + ")" ) if ( plugin["status"] == "orphan" and plugin["status_exp"] == "orphan" and not plugin["error"] ): warning += "\n\n" + self.tr( "Warning: this plugin isn't available in any accessible repository!" ) if ( QMessageBox.warning( iface.mainWindow(), self.tr("QGIS Python Plugin Installer"), warning, QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes, QMessageBox.StandardButton.No, ) == QMessageBox.StandardButton.No ): return # unload the plugin QApplication.setOverrideCursor(Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor) try: unloadPlugin(key) except: pass pluginDir = HOME_PLUGIN_PATH + "/" + plugin["id"] result = removeDir(pluginDir) if result: QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() msg = "{}:{}".format(self.tr("Plugin uninstall failed"), result) iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage(msg, Qgis.MessageLevel.Critical) else: # safe remove try: unloadPlugin(plugin["id"]) except: pass try: exec("plugins[%s].unload()" % plugin["id"]) exec("del plugins[%s]" % plugin["id"]) except: pass try: exec("del sys.modules[%s]" % plugin["id"]) except: pass try: exec("del plugins_metadata_parser[%s]" % plugin["id"]) except: pass plugins.getAllInstalled() plugins.rebuild() self.exportPluginsToManager() QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr("Plugin uninstalled successfully"), Qgis.MessageLevel.Success ) settings = QgsSettings() settings.remove("/PythonPlugins/" + key) # ----------------------------------------- # def addRepository(self): """add new repository connection""" dlg = QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDialog(iface.mainWindow()) dlg.editParams.setText(repositories.urlParams()) dlg.checkBoxEnabled.setCheckState(Qt.CheckState.Checked) if not dlg.exec(): return for i in list(repositories.all().values()): if dlg.editURL.text().strip() == i["url"]: iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr("Unable to add another repository with the same URL!"), Qgis.MessageLevel.Warning, ) return settings = QgsSettings() settings.beginGroup(reposGroup) reposName = dlg.editName.text() reposURL = dlg.editURL.text().strip() if reposName in repositories.all(): reposName = reposName + "(2)" # add to settings settings.setValue(reposName + "/url", reposURL) settings.setValue(reposName + "/authcfg", dlg.configId().strip()) settings.setValue( reposName + "/enabled", bool(dlg.checkBoxEnabled.checkState()) ) # refresh lists and populate widgets plugins.removeRepository(reposName) self.reloadAndExportData() # ----------------------------------------- # def editRepository(self, reposName): """edit repository connection""" if not reposName: return checkState = {False: Qt.CheckState.Unchecked, True: Qt.CheckState.Checked} dlg = QgsPluginInstallerRepositoryDialog(iface.mainWindow()) dlg.editName.setText(reposName) dlg.editURL.setText(repositories.all()[reposName]["url"]) dlg.editAuthCfgWgt.setConfigId(repositories.all()[reposName]["authcfg"]) dlg.editParams.setText(repositories.urlParams()) dlg.checkBoxEnabled.setCheckState( checkState[repositories.all()[reposName]["enabled"]] ) if repositories.all()[reposName]["valid"]: dlg.checkBoxEnabled.setEnabled(True) dlg.labelInfo.setText("") else: dlg.checkBoxEnabled.setEnabled(False) dlg.labelInfo.setText( self.tr( "This repository is blocked due to incompatibility with your QGIS version" ) ) dlg.labelInfo.setFrameShape(QFrame.Shape.Box) if not dlg.exec(): return # nothing to do if canceled for i in list(repositories.all().values()): if ( dlg.editURL.text().strip() == i["url"] and dlg.editURL.text().strip() != repositories.all()[reposName]["url"] ): iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr("Unable to add another repository with the same URL!"), Qgis.MessageLevel.Warning, ) return # delete old repo from QgsSettings and create new one settings = QgsSettings() settings.beginGroup(reposGroup) settings.remove(reposName) newName = dlg.editName.text() if newName in repositories.all() and newName != reposName: newName = newName + "(2)" settings.setValue(newName + "/url", dlg.editURL.text().strip()) settings.setValue(newName + "/authcfg", dlg.configId().strip()) settings.setValue(newName + "/enabled", bool(dlg.checkBoxEnabled.checkState())) if ( dlg.editAuthCfgWgt.configId().strip() != repositories.all()[reposName]["authcfg"] ): repositories.all()[reposName][ "authcfg" ] = dlg.editAuthCfgWgt.configId().strip() if ( dlg.editURL.text().strip() == repositories.all()[reposName]["url"] and dlg.checkBoxEnabled.checkState() == checkState[repositories.all()[reposName]["enabled"]] ): repositories.rename(reposName, newName) self.exportRepositoriesToManager() return # nothing else to do if only repository name was changed plugins.removeRepository(reposName) self.reloadAndExportData() # ----------------------------------------- # def deleteRepository(self, reposName: str): """delete repository connection""" if not reposName: return settings = QgsSettings() settings.beginGroup(reposGroup) if settings.value(reposName + "/url", "", type=str) == officialRepo[1]: iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr( "You can't remove the official QGIS Plugin Repository. You can disable it if needed." ), Qgis.MessageLevel.Warning, ) return warning = ( self.tr("Are you sure you want to remove the following repository?") + "\n" + reposName ) if ( QMessageBox.warning( iface.mainWindow(), self.tr("QGIS Python Plugin Installer"), warning, QMessageBox.StandardButton.Yes, QMessageBox.StandardButton.No, ) == QMessageBox.StandardButton.No ): return # delete from the settings, refresh data and repopulate all the widgets settings.remove(reposName) repositories.remove(reposName) plugins.removeRepository(reposName) self.reloadAndExportData() # ----------------------------------------- # def setRepositoryInspectionFilter(self, reposName=None): """temporarily block another repositories to fetch only one for inspection""" repositories.setInspectionFilter(reposName) self.reloadAndExportData() # ----------------------------------------- # def sendVote(self, plugin_id, vote): """send vote via the RPC""" if not plugin_id or not vote: return False url = "https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/RPC2/" params = { "id": "djangorpc", "method": "plugin.vote", "params": [str(plugin_id), str(vote)], } req = QNetworkRequest(QUrl(url)) req.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest.Attribute( QgsNetworkRequestParameters.RequestAttributes.AttributeInitiatorClass ), "QgsPluginInstaller", ) req.setAttribute( QNetworkRequest.Attribute( QgsNetworkRequestParameters.RequestAttributes.AttributeInitiatorRequestId ), "sendVote", ) req.setRawHeader(b"Content-Type", b"application/json") reply = QgsNetworkAccessManager.instance().blockingPost( req, bytes(json.dumps(params), "utf-8") ) if reply.attribute(QNetworkRequest.Attribute.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) == 200: return True else: return False def installFromZipFile(self, filePath): if not os.path.isfile(filePath): return QgsSettingsTree.node("plugin-manager").childSetting( "last-zip-directory" ).setValue(QFileInfo(filePath).absoluteDir().absolutePath()) pluginName = None with zipfile.ZipFile(filePath, "r") as zf: # search for metadata.txt. In case of multiple files, we can assume that # the shortest path relates /metadata.txt metadatafiles = sorted( f for f in zf.namelist() if f.endswith("metadata.txt") ) if len(metadatafiles) > 0: pluginName = os.path.split(metadatafiles[0])[0] pluginFileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filePath))[0] if not pluginName: msg_box = QMessageBox() msg_box.setIcon(QMessageBox.Icon.Warning) msg_box.setWindowTitle( self.tr("QGIS Python Install from ZIP Plugin Installer") ) msg_box.setText( self.tr( "The Zip file is not a valid QGIS python plugin. No root folder was found inside." ) ) msg_box.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok) more_info_btn = msg_box.addButton( self.tr("More Information"), QMessageBox.ButtonRole.HelpRole ) msg_box.exec() if msg_box.clickedButton() == more_info_btn: QgsHelp.openHelp("plugins/plugins.html#the-install-from-zip-tab") return pluginsDirectory = HOME_PLUGIN_PATH if not QDir(pluginsDirectory).exists(): QDir().mkpath(pluginsDirectory) pluginDirectory = QDir.cleanPath(os.path.join(pluginsDirectory, pluginName)) # if plugin is active, unload it before update, see https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/54968 if isPluginLoaded(pluginName): unloadPlugin(pluginName) # If the target directory already exists as a link, # remove the link without resolving QFile(pluginDirectory).remove() password = None infoString = None success = False keepTrying = True while keepTrying: try: # Test extraction. If fails, then exception will be raised and no removing occurs unzip(filePath, pluginsDirectory, password) # Removing old plugin files if exist removeDir(pluginDirectory) # Extract new files unzip(filePath, pluginsDirectory, password) keepTrying = False success = True except Exception as e: success = False if "password" in str(e): infoString = self.tr("Aborted by user") if "Bad password" in str(e): msg = self.tr( "Wrong password. Please enter a correct password to the zip file." ) else: msg = self.tr( "The zip file is encrypted. Please enter password." ) # Display a password dialog with QgsPasswordLineEdit dlg = QDialog() dlg.setWindowTitle(self.tr("Enter password")) buttonBox = QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, ) buttonBox.rejected.connect(dlg.reject) buttonBox.accepted.connect(dlg.accept) lePass = QgsPasswordLineEdit() layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) layout.addWidget(lePass) layout.addWidget(buttonBox) dlg.setLayout(layout) keepTrying = dlg.exec() password = lePass.text() else: infoString = self.tr( f"Failed to unzip the plugin package\n{filePath}.\nProbably it is broken" ) keepTrying = False if success: with OverrideCursor(Qt.CursorShape.WaitCursor): updateAvailablePlugins() self.processDependencies(pluginName) loadPlugin(pluginName) plugins.getAllInstalled() plugins.rebuild() settings = QgsSettings() if settings.contains( "/PythonPlugins/" + pluginName ): # Plugin was available? unloadPlugin(pluginName) loadPlugin(pluginName) if settings.value( "/PythonPlugins/" + pluginName, False, bool ): # Plugin was also active? startPlugin(pluginName) else: if startPlugin(pluginName): settings.setValue("/PythonPlugins/" + pluginName, True) self.exportPluginsToManager() msg = "%s" % self.tr("Plugin installed successfully") else: msg = "{}: {}".format( self.tr("Plugin installation failed"), infoString ) level = Qgis.MessageLevel.Success if success else Qgis.MessageLevel.Critical iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage(msg, level) def processDependencies(self, plugin_id): """Processes plugin dependencies :param plugin_id: plugin id :type plugin_id: str """ to_install, to_upgrade, not_found = find_dependencies(plugin_id) if to_install or to_upgrade or not_found: dlg = QgsPluginDependenciesDialog( plugin_id, to_install, to_upgrade, not_found ) if dlg.exec() == QgsPluginDependenciesDialog.Accepted: actions = dlg.actions() for dependency_plugin_id, action_data in actions.items(): try: self.installPlugin( dependency_plugin_id, stable=action_data["use_stable_version"], ) if action_data["action"] == "install": iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr( "Plugin dependency %s successfully installed" ) % dependency_plugin_id, Qgis.MessageLevel.Success, ) else: iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr( "Plugin dependency %s successfully upgraded" ) % dependency_plugin_id, Qgis.MessageLevel.Success, ) except Exception as ex: if action_data["action"] == "install": iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr( "Error installing plugin dependency %s: %s" ) % (dependency_plugin_id, ex), Qgis.MessageLevel.Warning, ) else: iface.pluginManagerInterface().pushMessage( self.tr( "Error upgrading plugin dependency %s: %s" ) % (dependency_plugin_id, ex), Qgis.MessageLevel.Warning, )