/*! \page api_break Backwards Incompatible Changes
The API of QGIS libraries is allowed to be changed just between major versions of QGIS. For example, there
are various planned backwards incompatible changes between QGIS 1.8 and 2.0 because the version 2.0 is a new
major version. After a release of a major version of QGIS (e.g. 2.0) the developer team is committed to maintain
stable API for all subsequent minor releases (2.2, 2.4, ...). That roughly means we do not rename classes and methods,
remove them nor change their semantics. Existing code should keep working when the user updates QGIS
to another minor version (e.g. from 2.0 to 2.2), so all extensions of existing classes should be done in a manner that
third party developers do not need to adjust their code to work properly with newer QGIS releases.
Sometimes, however, we need to break the API as a result of code changes. These cases are exceptions
and they happen only after consideration and agreement of the development team.
Backwards incompatible changes with large impact are postponed to the next major release and tracked in
This page maintains a list of incompatible changes that happened in previous releases.
QGIS 3.38 {#qgis_api_break_3_38}
Enabling GDAL Python exceptions
- QGIS now turns on exceptions in the osgeo.gdal, osgeo.ogr and osgeo.osr modules.
This may affect plugins that use the GDAL Python API. Typically gdal.Open,
gdal.OpenEx or ogr.Open() (non exclusive list) will now throw an exception
if the dataset cannot be opened.
QGIS 3.24 {#qgis_api_break_3_24}
Additional geometry attributes
- If a postgis layer has more than one geometry, the additional geometry attributes are exposed as
QgsReferencedGeometry. Previously, they were exposed as EWKT strings. EWKT strings are still supported
for inserting and updating features.
QGIS 3.22 {#qgis_api_break_3_22}
QgsApplication {#qgis_api_break_3_22_qgsapplication}
- QgsApplication::shortNameRegExp function was removed as part of a general code migration away from the deprecated
QRegExp class. It has been replaced with QgsApplication::shortNameRegularExpression which returns a
QRegularExpression object.
QgsNewNameDialog {#qgis_api_break_3_22_qgsnewnamedialog}
- The `regexp` argument in the QgsNewNameDialog constructor has been removed as part of a general code migration
away from the deprecated QRegExp class. It has been replaced with QgsNewNameDialog::setRegularExpression which
accepts a string argument.
QgsVectorLayerServerProperties {#qgis_api_break_3_22_qgsvectorlayerserverproperties}
- The content of QgsVectorLayerServerProperties has been moved in QgsMapLayerServerProperties. But the member
in QgsVectorLayer::serverProperties() is still existing.
QGIS 3.20 {#qgis_api_break_3_20}
QgsMapRendererJob {#qgis_api_break_3_20_qgsmaprendererjob}
- QgsMapRendererJob::start is no longer virtual. It has been replaced with QgsMapRendererJob::startPrivate. The method QgsMapRendererJob::start checks if the map can be rendered before calling QgsMapRendererJob::startPrivate.
Subclasses have to implement the virtual method startPrivate to start the rendering of the map. For the actual subclasses (QgsMapRendererParallelJob, QgsMapRendererSequentialJob, ...), the start method
is replaced by startPrivate method without change.
QgsMapLayer {#qgis_api_break_3_20_qgsmaplayer}
- QgsMapLayer::setDataSource is no longer virtual. It has been replaced with QgsMapLayer::setDataSourcePrivate. This is only relevant for subclassing QgsMapLayer, for code that only uses the subclasses (QgsVectorLayer, QgsRasterLayer, ...) this has no effect.
- QgsVectorLayerFeatureIterator::FetchJoinInfo::joinLayer was removed. This layer pointer was dangerous and not safe to access in any situation.
QGIS 3.4 {#qgis_api_break_3_4}
QgsMapToPixel {#qgis_api_break_3_4_qgsmaptopixel}
- toMapCoordinatesF have been renamed to toMapCoordinates (as a double overload) for C++ only (Python keeps toMapCoordinatesF).
- toMapPoint has been deprecated in favor of toMapCoordinates.
QGIS 3.0 {#qgis_api_break_3_0}
Version 3.0 brings changes to many underlying dependencies which QGIS is built upon. Any existing PyQGIS code will
need to be updated to address the changes made within these libraries.
Python 3.0
QGIS 3.0 introduces a move to Python 3. This version brings many changes to both the Python language and individual Python
libraries. A good place to start learning about the changes involved, and how to port your code to Python 3, is available
in the official Python documentation: [Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3](https://docs.python.org/3/howto/pyporting.html).
Qt 5
QGIS 3.0 is based off version 5 of the underlying Qt libraries. Many changes and API breaks were introduced in Qt5. While
it is c++ specific, a good place to read about the major changes introduced in Qt5 is at the Qt docs:
[C++ API changes](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sourcebreaks.html)
PyQt 5
Together with the Python and Qt version changes, the PyQt libraries which expose Qt classes to Python have also had their
version bumped to PyQt 5. The changes introduced in PyQt 5 and the steps required to upgrade existing code are summarised at:
[Differences Between PyQt4 and PyQt5](http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt5/pyqt4_differences.html)
Moved Classes {#qgis_api_break_3_0_moved_classes}
API 2.x | API 3.X
QgisGui | QgsGuiUtils
QgsAbstractGeometryV2 | QgsAbstractGeometry
QgsArcProperter | QgsStrategy
QgsAttributeAction | QgsActionManager
QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2 | QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer
QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Model | QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererModel
QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2ViewStyle | QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererViewStyle
QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2Widget | QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererWidget
QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerV2 | QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayer
QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsCentroidFillSymbolLayerWidget
QgsCircularStringV2 | QgsCircularString
QgsColorButtonV2 | QgsColorButton
QgsCompoundCurveV2 | QgsCompoundCurve
QgsCoordinateSequenceV2 | QgsCoordinateSequence
QgsCptCityColorRampV2 | QgsCptCityColorRamp
QgsCptCityColorRampV2Dialog | QgsCptCityColorRampDialog
QgsCptCityColorRampV2DialogBase | QgsCptCityColorRampDialogBase
QgsCurvePolygonV2 | QgsCurvePolygon
QgsCurveV2 | QgsCurve
QgsDbFilterProxyModel | QgsDatabaseFilterProxyModel
QgsDiagramRendererV2 | QgsDiagramRenderer
QgsDistanceArcProperter | QgsDistanceStrategy
QgsDoubleBoxBarStyle | QgsDoubleBoxScaleBarRenderer
QgsEditorWidgetV2 | QgsEditorWidget
QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2 | QgsEllipseSymbolLayer
QgsEllipseSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsEllipseSymbolLayerWidget
QgsFavouritesItem | QgsFavoritesItem
QgsFeatureRendererV2 | QgsFeatureRenderer
QgsFillSymbolLayerV2 | QgsFillSymbolLayer
QgsFillSymbolV2 | QgsFillSymbol
QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2 | QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayer
QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsFontMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
QgsGeometryCollectionV2 | QgsGeometryCollection
QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayerV2 | QgsGeometryGeneratorSymbolLayer
QgsGPSConnection | QgsGpsConnection
QgsGPSConnectionRegistry | QgsGpsConnectionRegistry
QgsGPSDetector | QgsGpsDetector
QgsGPSInformation | QgsGpsInformation
QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2 | QgsGradientFillSymbolLayer
QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsGradientFillSymbolLayerWidget
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2 | QgsGraduatedSymbolRenderer
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Model | QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererModel
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2ViewStyle | QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererViewStyle
QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererV2Widget | QgsGraduatedSymbolRendererWidget
QgsGraphArc | QgsGraphEdge
QgsJSONExporter | QgsJsonExporter
QgsJSONUtils | QgsJsonUtils
QgsLabelingEngineV2 | QgsLabelingEngine
QgsLegendModelV2 | QgsLegendModel
QgsLegendSymbolItemV2 | QgsLegendSymbolItem
QgsLineStringV2 | QgsLineString
QgsLineSymbolLayerV2 | QgsLineSymbolLayer
QgsLineSymbolV2 | QgsLineSymbol
QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2 | QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayer
QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsMarkerLineSymbolLayerWidget
QgsMarkerSymbolLayerV2 | QgsMarkerSymbolLayer
QgsMarkerSymbolV2 | QgsMarkerSymbol
QgsMultiCurveV2 | QgsMultiCurve
QgsMultiLineStringV2 | QgsMultiLineString
QgsMultiPoint | QgsMultiPointXY
QgsMultiPointV2 | QgsMultiPoint
QgsMultiPolygon | QgsPolygonXY
QgsMultiPolygonV2 | QgsPolygon
QgsMultiPolyline | QgsPolylineXY
QgsMultiPolylineV2 | QgsPolyline
QgsMultiSurfaceV2 | QgsMultiSurface
QgsNMEAConnection | QgsNmeaConnection
QgsNodeEditor | QgsVertexEditor
QgsNodeTool | QgsVertexTool
QgsNumericScaleBarStyle | QgsNumericScaleBarRenderer
QgsPoint | QgsPointXY
QgsPointSequenceV2 | QgsPointSequence
QgsPointV2 | QgsPoint
QgsPolygon | QgsPolygonXY
QgsPolygonV2 | QgsPolygon
QgsPolyline | QgsPolylineXY
QgsPolylineV2 | QgsPolyline
QgsProperty | QgsProjectProperty
QgsPropertyKey | QgsProjectPropertyKey
QgsPropertyValue | QgsProjectPropertyValue
QgsRandomColorsV2 | QgsRandomColorRamp
QgsRendererCategoryV2 | QgsRendererCategory
QgsRendererRangeV2 | QgsRendererRange
QgsRendererRangeV2LabelFomat | QgsRendererRangeLabelFomat
QgsRendererRangeV2LabelFormat | QgsRendererRangeLabelFormat
QgsRendererV2 | QgsRenderer
QgsRendererV2AbstractMetadata | QgsRendererAbstractMetadata
QgsRendererV2CreateFromSldFunc | QgsRendererCreateFromSldFunc
QgsRendererV2CreateFunc | QgsRendererCreateFunc
QgsRendererV2DataDefinedMenus | QgsRendererDataDefinedMenus
QgsRendererV2Metadata | QgsRendererMetadata
QgsRendererV2PropertiesDialog | QgsRendererPropertiesDialog
QgsRendererV2PropsDialogBase | QgsRendererPropsDialogBase
QgsRendererV2Registry | QgsRendererRegistry
QgsRendererV2Widget | QgsRendererWidget
QgsRendererV2WidgetFunc | QgsRendererWidgetFunc
QgsRingSequenceV2 | QgsRingSequence
QgsRuleBasedRendererV2 | QgsRuleBasedRenderer
QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Count | QgsRuleBasedRendererCount
QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Model | QgsRuleBasedRendererModel
QgsRuleBasedRendererV2Widget | QgsRuleBasedRendererWidget
QgsScaleBarStyle | QgsScaleBarRenderer
QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerV2 | QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayer
QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsShapeburstFillSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2 | QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayer
QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsSimpleFillSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2 | QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayer
QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsSimpleLineSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2 | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayer
QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsSimpleMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSingleBoxScaleBarStyle | QgsSingleBoxScaleBarRenderer
QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2 | QgsSingleSymbolRenderer
QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2Widget | QgsSingleSymbolRendererWidget
QgsStyleV2 | QgsStyle
QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialog | QgsStyleExportImportDialog
QgsStyleV2ExportImportDialogBase | QgsStyleExportImportDialogBase
QgsStyleV2GroupSelectionDialog | QgsStyleGroupSelectionDialog
QgsStyleV2ManagerDialog | QgsStyleManagerDialog
QgsStyleV2ManagerDialogBase | QgsStyleManagerDialogBase
QgsSurfaceV2 | QgsSurface
QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2 | QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayer
QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsSvgMarkerSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSymbolLayerV2 | QgsSymbolLayer
QgsSymbolLayerV2AbstractMetadata | QgsSymbolLayerAbstractMetadata
QgsSymbolLayerV2Metadata | QgsSymbolLayerMetadata
QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry | QgsSymbolLayerRegistry
QgsSymbolLayerV2Utils | QgsSymbolLayerUtils
QgsSymbolLayerV2Widget | QgsSymbolLayerWidget
QgsSymbolLevelsV2Dialog | QgsSymbolLevelsDialog
QgsSymbolV2 | QgsSymbol
QgsSymbolV2LegendNode | QgsSymbolLegendNode
QgsSymbolV2LevelItem | QgsSymbolLevelItem
QgsSymbolV2RenderContext | QgsSymbolRenderContext
QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog | QgsSymbolSelectorDialog
QgsSymbolV2SelectorWidget | QgsSymbolSelectorWidget
QgsTicksScaleBarStyle | QgsTicksScaleBarRenderer
QgsTINInterpolator | QgsTinInterpolator
QgsUserInputDockWidget | QgsUserInputWidget
QgsVectorColorBrewerColorRampV2 | QgsColorBrewerColorRamp
QgsVectorColorBrewerColorRampV2Dialog | QgsColorBrewerColorRampDialog
QgsVectorColorBrewerColorRampV2DialogBase | QgsColorBrewerColorRampDialogBase
QgsVectorColorRampV2 | QgsColorRamp
QgsVectorColorRampV2Map | QgsVectorColorRampMap
QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2 | QgsGradientColorRamp
QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2Dialog | QgsGradientColorRampDialog
QgsVectorGradientColorRampV2DialogBase | QgsGradientColorRampDialogBase
QgsVectorGradientRampV2 | QgsVectorGradientRamp
QgsVectorJoinInfo | QgsVectorLayerJoinInfo
QgsVectorLayerImport | QgsVectorLayerExporter
QgsVectorLayersetRendererV2 | QgsVectorLayersetRenderer
QgsVectorRandomColorRampV2 | QgsLimitedRandomColorRamp
QgsVectorRandomColorRampV2Dialog | QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialog
QgsVectorRandomColorRampV2DialogBase | QgsLimitedRandomColorRampDialogBase
vertexData | QgsInterpolatorVertexData
Renamed Enum Values {#qgis_api_break_3_0_renamed_enum_values}