Also adds signals to the QgsMapLayerStyleManager so others can watch the changes
This code has been funded by Tuscany Region (Italy) - SITA (CIG: 6002233F59)
and commissioned to Gis3W s.a.s.
There is a new check box that allows the user to tell whether a map should
keep the layer styles (it will store the state when the check box is checked).
The stored layer styles keep a snapshot of each layer's configuration
instead of just keeping name of the style.
This solves issues with styles and visibility presets in composer which were
not completely compatible.
This code has been funded by Tuscany Region (Italy) - SITA (CIG: 6002233F59)
and commissioned to Gis3W s.a.s.
When layer set is locked in composer map, also the styles associated with layers are kept.
As a result, a composition can contain maps of the same layer just with different styles.
Map settings and map renderer jobs have been improved to support temporary override of layer's style.
It is possible to pass to map settings which layers should have overridden style and map jobs
will temporarily replace the style (just for the rendering).
- style manager is always enabled (client code does not need to distinguish between enabled/disabled state)
- layers currently active style is stored only in QgsMapLayer - in style manager it has entry with no data (avoids duplication of data)
This also solves issues with visibility presets and styles when some presets do not have stored style
The old behavior was to render it at the currently visibleExtent based on the
map canvas. The job may however have been scheduled for a different extent and
therefore rendered at an improper location.
this integrates advanced digitizing tools aka CAD tools in QGIS application and basically a port of CADinput plugin
* new class QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing shall be subsclassed if adv. digit. tools could be used in a map tool
* QgsAdvancedDigitizingDockWidget handles the interaction with the user and also perform the constraints (filters events)
* QgsAdvancedDigitizingCanvasItem paints construction lines on the canvas
This is much faster way of initializing a spatial index. From python it is as simple as
>>> index = QgsSpatialIndex( layer.getFeatures() )
From a simple test with 50K points in a memory layer:
- bulk loading ~ 100 ms
- inserting features ~ 600 ms
The index tree should be in theory also better constructed and may result in faster lookups.
Allows for live, dynamic heatmaps for point layers. Options include
specifying heatmap radius in pixels, mm or map units, choice of
color ramp, and a slider for selecting a tradeoff between render
speed and quality.