[infrastructure] [macos] use QGIS-Mac-Packager dependencies to setup MacOS CI build with GitHub workflows. Use CMake's define QGIS_MAC_DEPS_DIR to define folder to dependencies
Otherwise, when cross-compiling, the prefix of the cross environment (i.e. /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/) is prepended to the path, leading to the files not being found
Instead of finding Python interpreter, library and framework on Mac,
rely upon the reported paths of the interpreter (executable) to decipher
whether a framework is being used, then ensure any such framework has
its versioned subdirectory Headers used for includes and the base
Python library used directly in linking. This removes ambiguity in
framework searching, allowing just the PYTHON_EXECUTABLE (user-defined
or from FindPythonInterp module) to control which Python is used.
as cmake --help-module FindPythonLibs states
If you'd like to specify the installation of Python to use, you should modify the following cache variables:
PYTHON_LIBRARY - path to the python library
PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH - path to where Python.h is found
(please note it is PYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH (deprecated) and not PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR (new in 2.8) since we require cmake >= 2.6.2)
- Needs testing on Windows platform
- Add QScintilla2 library version info to About dialog
- Add Mac bundling support for Qwt 6 framework and QScintilla2
- Fallback to sys or custom site-pkgs when looking for PyQt4 modules to Mac bundle