Using this renderer no symbol will be drawn for features, but labeling,
diagrams and other non-symbol parts will still be shown.
Selections can still be made on the layer in the canvas and selected
features will be rendered with a default symbol. Features being edited
will also be shown.
This is intended as a handy shortcut for layers which you only want
to show labels or diagrams for, and avoids the need to render
symbols with totally transparent fill/border to achieve this.
- Modernize QgsVector, improve docs, add some methods missing from
Python bindings
- Add method to QgsPoint to project a point by a specified distance
and bearing
- Add distance methods to complement existing sqrDist squared distance
- Rename QgsVector::normal to normalized (avoid confusion with normal
- Add more QgsPoint operators
- Add some more QgsPoint and QgsVector tests
First part of
(QEP 35: WFS provider enhancements)
- Version autodetection
- On-disk caching of downloaded features
- Background download and progressive rendering
- WFS 1.1 and 2.0 support
- WFS 2.0 GetFeature paging
- Add provider tests
- #10106: Panning a non-cached WFS layer causes selection to change
- #9444: WFS client not requesting new features when not-cached
#14156: WFS non cached: infinite flashing
- #9450 : New WFS connection option - Max number of features returned
- #14122: Implement WFS 2.0 client provider (partial. no joins or stored queries)
Not in scope: WFS-T 1.1 and 2.0. But WFS-T 1.0 kept (and tested)
This invalidates all cached connections to the given database name.
This will be used by the WFS provider to cleanup any cached connections before
removing its temporary Spatialite DB
This will be used by the WFS provider, so it can properly invalidates
(=close) all connections to the temporary Spatialite database it uses
for caching. Closing those connections is needed to be able to remove
the file.
The method can display a progress dialog when it takes a long time to
- Attach this dialog to the QGIS main window.
- Use the interruption checker mechanism of iterators so that the
to-be-committed improved WFS feature iterator can use it
- Call QCoreApplication::processEvents() for better UI responsiveness.
Add a setInterruptionChecker() method on iterators that provides an interface
that can be called by iterators to check if they must return as soon as
possible. This is set by QgsVectorLayerRenderer::render() to connect to
QgsRenderContext::renderingStopped(). This is useful for some iterators,
like the to be-committed QgsWFSFeatureIterator that can wait for a long
time before returning. By regularly checking if it must be interrupted,
this improves the GUI responsiveness a lot.
This is an enhancement and existing iterators do not need to be modified.
- Add a low-level QgsGmlStreamingParser class that doesn't do any
network activity, but builds features from GML data in a streaming way
- Add handling of GML3 for WFS 1.1 and 2.0.
- Add tests
- Clear picture when changing from a feature with a picture to
a feature with no picture set
- Don't try to load "NULL" as a filename
- Fix calculation of widget size so that widget can collapse
its size to nothing when it doesn't have a picture set
- Avoid incorrect scaling and cropping of pictures
- QgsSignalBlocker: RAII signal blocking class. Used for temporarily
blocking signals from a QObject for the lifetime of QgsSignalBlocker
- easy shortcut "whileBlocking( QObject* )" function. Temporarily
blocks signals from a QObject while calling a single method from the
whileBlocking( checkBox )->setChecked( true );
whileBlocking( spinBox )->setValue( 50 );
No signals will be emitted when calling these methods.
based on Boojum's code from