This check tests that if a function has been declared deprecated
with either Q_DECL_DEPRECATED or has a @deprecated Doxygen note
then it MUST have both the Q_DECL_DEPRECATD and @deprecated note.
It's important that both are used, as Q_DECL_DEPRECATED allows
throwing a warning if that method is used in code, while the
@deprecated doxygen note gives an indication to devs/PyQGIS users
of why it's deprecated and what should be used instead.
Ideally we'd also test for SIP /Deprecated/ tags, but I can't
find any reliable way to do this.
* make sip coverage test aware that there are less classes where QSci sip
headers are not available
* exclude properties from members
* fix QgsFeatureIds typedef (fixes missing signal
QgsVectorLayer.featuresDeleted and others)
* add missing notes for PyNames
* include some missing new methods in bindings
- there was a lot of large objects passed by value, so potentially
there's a speed bump from this
- even for implicitly shared classes like QString/QList there's still
a (small) cost for copying the objects when there's no reason to
- it's the right thing to do!
That what you want most of the time when creating a new feature within a plugin.
Therefore defaults to true when used from python, but to false when used from C++
Most important changes:
- introduced feature iterator for QgsVectorLayer
- vector editing moved to QgsVectorEditBuffer
- complete rework of undo/redo commands for vector layers
- geometry cache separated from editing (QgsVectorLayerCache)
- non-essential editing functionality moved to QgsVectorLayerEditUtils
- update methods of existing classes
- add comment to methods missing in the sip bindings
- split up collective sip files into single files and use
same directory structure in python/ as in src/
- add a lot of missing classes (some might not make sense because of
missing python methods in those classes)
- remove some non-existing methods from the header files
- add scripts/sipdiff
- replace some usages of std::vector and std::set with QVector/QSet
- QgsVectorLayer and QgsVectorDataProvider support iterating
- QgsFeature allows direct access to attributes (get/set/del)
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
- move attribute part of editing to vector layer class and unify with geometry handling:
* remove commitAttributeChanges(), addedFeatures(), deletedFeatureIds(), changedAttributes()
and replace with changeAttributeValue(), deleteFeature(), addAttribute()
and deleteAttribute()
* add pendingFields(), pendingAttributeList(), pendingFeatureCount()
* emit signals on start editing and commit, change of attribute values, adding/deleting of
attributes and layer or feature removal (currently used in the attribute table)
- new commitErrors() method to query errors from commitChanges()
- replaced featuresInRectangle with select/getNextFeature combo
- edit types added to support more input widgets and input constraints
- remove update aware ctor
- unify geometry handling in ctors
- add QVariant::Type to supportNativeTypes()
- add instance() method to query QgisApp object
- replace code at various place to use it instead of passing the pointer
arround or searching it in the widget tree.
- move toggleEditing() code from the legend here
- move attribute table creation legend here
- make attribute table dockable (from Tim)
- most editing logic moved to QgsVectorLayer
- adding/deleting attributes moved to QgsVectorLayerProperties
- add support for attribute editing when it edit mode
add a new tab to show attribute list:
* start/stop editing
* add/delete attributes
* assign edit type to attributes (unique values, value map, ranges)
add support for attribute edit types:
* selection from unique value render classes (combobox)
* selection from unique values of existing features (combobox or line edits with completion)
* spinboxes for ranges
- use read-only connection for cursors and read-write connection for updates
- updated native types
- remove unused references to GEOS geometry factory
- updated native types
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c
All providers and python bindings have been updated accordingly.
Currently supported variant types by providers are String, Int and Double.
Other API changes:
- QgsField
- type info as QString is now typeName() and setTypeName()
- added variant type (QVariant::Type) info: type(), setType()
- QgsFeature
- removed fields() - use QgsVectorDataProvider::fields()
- removed boundingBox() - use QgsGeometry::boundingBox()
- QgsVectorLayer - removed fields(), fieldCount(), getDefaultValue() - use directly QgsVectorDataProvider
- QgsVectorDataProvider - getDefaultValue() - field now addressed by id, returns variant
- QgsLabel - setLabelField() - field now addressed by id
git-svn-id: c8812cc2-4d05-0410-92ff-de0c093fc19c