This adds a new "Project Colors" section in data defined buttons
which are linked to a color value. The color menu contains all
colors defined as part of the current project's Project Color
Scheme (which is defined through project properties).
When a project color is selected from the button, the property
becomes linked to that color. It will automatically follow any
future changes to the color when made through project properties.
This allows users to define common colors for a project once,
and then "bind" symbol, label, layout, etc colors to these
preset colors. The link is live, so you change it once, and
the change is reflected EVERYWHERE. Sure beats updating a color
100 times when it's use has been scattered throughout a project's
symbols, labels, etc...
(Basically, this is just adding a shortcut to setting a data
defined expression "project_color(...)" for the property. The
project_color function has been around a LOOONG time, but it's
only really been usable by power users before this change)
Adds a new interface QgsAbstractValidityCheck which defines
a single "check" which can be performed on a given QgsValidityCheckContext.
A new application-wide QgsValidityCheckRegistry registers
and manages instances of all known checks, and allows running
of all registered checks of a specific type at once.
Initially the framework is focused toward print layout validity
checks, but the interface has been designed to be generic enough
to allow alternative types of validity checks (e.g. project save
validity checks, processing model validity checks, etc.).
The API is designed to be used both by internal validity checks
and also to be extended by custom, organisation-specific
validity checks. E.g., for print layout validity checks we could have:
Allows us to apply custom style overrides. Initially, this just
improves the appearance of disabled icons on dark themes.
The default Qt style method of displaying disabled icons only
works well on light backgrounds, on dark backgrounds it makes the
icons stand out due to the extreme contrast between the background
and the lightened icons.
Replace with a custom approach which desaturates icons and reduces
their opacity. This arguably also improves their appearance on
light themes too (I think so).
a toolbar in the map item properties panel
This moves the
- refresh preview
- set to map canvas extent
- view extent in map canvas
buttons from being oversized push buttons within the item properties
panel up to a new toolbar at the top of this panel. Apart from looking
better, it means these important actions are always visible regardless
of the scroll position of the item properties panel itself.
Additionally, it makes it possible to add MORE actions here without
overloading the UI (e.g. "set canvas extent to item extent")
TODO: better icons
These providers will be used to control how the browser data items
behave within GUI, and to allow separation of GUI related
properties of browser items from the core code.
A new registry QgsDataItemGuiProviderRegistry has been created
(modeled off QgsDataItemProviderRegistry), with an application
wide instance available from QgsGui::instance()->dataItemGuiProviderRegistry()
drag and drop of style .xml files to main QGIS window
Double clicking the databases or dragging them to QGIS
triggers the import from style dialog with the corresponding
input file already selected
within the browser panel
Allows direct export of these files (e.g. to a different format,
crs, etc) without having to actually load them into a project