Allows use of a color ramp consisting of a list of selected colors.
Currently there's no way in QGIS to classify a renderer using
some list of colors you've previously selected. So you can modify
the colors manually after classifying, but that's a pain
if you're regularly using the same color scheme.
Basically, it's like the color brewer color ramp options but
allowing users to pick their own preset list of colors to use*
(Because Cynthia Brewer isn't the only cartographic color expert!)
These were unused (since they were moved to data defined properties
at the symbol layer level) and were not set anywhere in
core QGIS (ie, the only way to set them was by manually calling
this api)
The default range was 0..100, made it to min..max of the type.
QgsRangeWidgetWrapper is auto selected only for Int and Double QVariants,
now. The used widgets don't support 64 bits and Uint ranges.
Now the widgets factories can give a score on how good they could handle
a widget.
Additionaly, plugins can be added to choose a widget factory in function
of an external information. One of them uses a table in PostgresQL to
allow specification of the widget type and configuration.
I took the opportunity to remove a few deprecated method in relation to
Exposes simplification and smoothing algorithms to expression
engine, via:
- simplify(): applies Douglas-Peucker geometry simplification
- simplify_vw(): applies Visvalingam-Whyatt geometry simplification
- smooth(): smoothes a geometry
Carto tip: use smooth along with geometry generators to minimise
the typical "GIS" noded look of rendered geometries!
segments shorter than a certain threshold or sharp corners
with an angle exceeding a threshold
Expose the angle threshold to processing smooth algorithm
- optimise QgsGeometry::smooth for new geometry classes
- Fix smooth does not work with geometries containing Z/M