Aside from the performance benefits, the Python version of this
algorithm occasionally fails on Travis with odd errors. Hopefully
by porting to c++ it will fix these, or at least give useful
debug information in the event of a fail.
Also add support for curved input geometries.
- Output interpolated points when travel cost falls mid-way along
an edge
- Output all intermediate reachable points also
- Make outputting upper/lower bound points optional, and non-default.
Now by default we just output all definitely reachable points and
the interpolated points along edges which correspond to the travel cost.
This allows the output to be used to correctly generate service areas
e.g. by concave/convex polygons and all reachable nodes will be
included in the area.
- Allow algorithm to optionally output a line layer (and make the
point layer optional too, and default to just the line layer output)
containing all reachable line segments (including interpolated
segments of lines when the travel cost sits midway along that
edge). This output is more easily understandably for users.
This algorithm swaps the X and Y coordinate values in input
geometries. It can be used to repair geometries which have
accidentally had their latitude and longitude values reversed.
Allows algorithms to pre-processes a set of parameters, allowing the
algorithm to clean their values.
This method is automatically called after users enter parameters, e.g.
via the algorithm dialog. This method should NOT be called manually
by algorithms.
ModelerParametersDialog and ParametersPanel have to keep list of
wrappers only. widget and label( if needed) are created through
Otherwise command fails when attempting to merge many rasters due
to length of command line. Now the algorithm uses the same approach
as buildvrt and creates a text file containing the names of the
rasters and then passes this to the gdal_merge command
Fixes gdal merge algorithm fails with many input files
Creation options must be specified one at a time - the
current approach causes them to be specified once embedded
in quotation marks, which is not valid input for gdal