This allow to show checkboxes or radioboxes intead of line edit with button.
This is configurable for each algorithm thought ParameterSelection metadata parameter.
It is also possible to choose the number of columns.
This is not applied in case of the BatchDialog.
Reload/refresh the browser tree and source select connection
items when connections, tables etc. change in the DBManager
Note that this is uni-directional: changes in the browser tree
are not (yet) propagated to the DBManager
* [FEATURE] adds undo/redo for transaction groups
[needs-docs] the undo/redo now works with transcation groups. Just check
that there is no restriction in the transaction groups doc concerning
related to #14799
The undo/redo is implemented using SAVEPOINT.
The QgsTransaction interface has been enlarged to allow savepoints
creation and management. The savepoint is destroyed on
rollbackToSavepoint to have the same behavior has the sql ROLLBACK TO
To avoid the creation of a savepoint for each feature modified in bulk
editing (e.g. paste, field calculator) the logic is a bit complicated: the
savepoint is created on QgsVectorLayer::editCommandStarted and the first
actual undo command (QgsVectorLayerUndoPassthroughCommand) is
responsible for the re-creation of the savepoint in case of undo-redo.
Since the behavior must be different in case edition doesn't take place
inside an edit command, a member function has been added to
QgsVectorLayer to expose the mEditCommandActive state.
Another (commented) tricky bit is the modification of the database
structure on add/delete attributes. On undo, the attribute is removed
before the rollback to savepoint, i.e. there is a useless ALTER TABLE
issued to restore the structure just before restoring it with the
ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT. This is necessary to make the provider
aware of the change of structure. It could be nicer/cleaner to have a way
to reload providers metadata.
The editPaste function has also been modified to use addFeatures instead of
addFeature (plural/singular), this is at the expense of an additional "cpy"
of the clipboard in memory, but it should improve perf with postgis provider.
* fixup operator aliases
This means if a plugin registers a custom drop handler, but crashes
before it can deregister it, at least it won't leave the main
app in a crashy state.
and dropped file names
This allows QgsCustomDropHandlers which aren't directly associated
with providers (e.g. for plugins to handle dropped files of
a certain type)
And add a new target CRS argument to parameterAsExtent. If set, and
the source CRS of the rectangle parameter can be determined, then
the returned value will be the rectangle automatically reprojected
to the desired target CRS.
This is meant to be used by plugins (DBManager is the
first candidate) to notify the application that
the GUI elements that handle connections needs to
be updated (i.e. the data source manager dialog
and the browsers)
input layers with Z or M values present
Also ensure that written geometries are always multitype, to
match the created layer geometry type (before the layer was
being created as a multi* layer, but single part geometries
were sometimes created. This causes errors with some data
Like the main Join Attributes by Location algorithm, this algorithm
takes two layers and combines the attributes based on a spatial
However this algorithm calculates summaries for the attributes for
all matching features, e.g. calculating the mean/min/max/etc.
The list of fields to summaries, and the summaries to
calculate for those, can be selected.
- transparently handle different source/join CRS
- added option to create output feature for EVERY joined
feature (i.e. 1 to many type join)
- added option to select joined fields to take
- optimised performance of algorithm
The previous option to create a summary of joined features has been
removed, and will be moved to a separate 'Join by location (summary)'
Avoids a lot of duplicate code.
Note that while this refactoring was done to allow WFS and WMS
settings to be simultaneously visible, I've removed the settings
from the GeoNode connection for now. Looking into this they were
being stored, but not used at all when loading the layers from
the GeoNode instance.