This is replaced with a QVariantMap. It was never really more than this in the
past and with the switch to QgsConfigurationProperties, there is really no
longer any reason to assume that this will change.
This class holds a QVariantMap to manage key-value-pairs where each
value can be a string, bool, int, double or itself a map and can be
stored to and restored from XML.
This commit implements the improvements described at:
The QgsRasterMinMaxWidget now offers a seetting to specify that the statistics
should be computed each time the canvas extent changes.
Other changes:
- the content of the QgsRasterMinMaxWidget is now persistant.
- there is no longer any Load button. The global Apply / OK button of the raster
properties dialog has this effect.
- the default "limits" for single band raster is now MinMax and not CumulativeCut
- the default "limits" can be configured for single band, multi band single byte and
multi band multi byte
- "Strech using current extent" honours the "limits" instead of forcing min/max.
Adds a new QgsGeometry::orthagonalize method which tries to make
angles in geometries either right angles or straight lines
Also adds a processing algorithm exposing this feature.
Remove support for signal based completion/termination
Also unfortunately disable a lot of the test suite as a result,
since it's not easily translatable
Switch from QtConcurrent::run to QThreadPool::start
QtConcurrent doesn't give us anyway to cancel queued but not
started tasks. QThreadPool does (and also allows us to specify
task priority)
Now, a QgsTask can have subtask QgsTasks set by calling
QgsTask::addSubTask. Sub tasks can have their own set of
dependent tasks.
Subtasks are not visible to users, and users only see the overall
progress and status of the parent task.
This allows creation of tasks which are themselves built off
many smaller component tasks. The task manager will still handle
firing up and scheduling the subtasks, so eg subtasks can run
in parallel (if their dependancies allow this).
Subtasks can themselves have subtasks.
This change is designed to allow the processing concept of
algorithms and modeller algorithms to be translatable
directly to the task manager architecture.