not working yet, just set the menu entries
QgsMapLayerStyle::StyleCategory has moved to QgsMapLayer to avoid making QgsMapLayerStyle a QObject and they are mostly used in QgsMapLayer
The min/max values were stored in the color ramp shader, but to my surprise
these values were never persisted or copied: pseudo-color raster renderer
has a separate storage for the min/max values, so we need that for mesh renderer
as well.
The QgsRasterShaderFunction is not really useful, and QgsColorRamp should not
be derived from it, making things just more confusing.
Until now there was just one scalar and vector configuration
for a mesh layer. It is however most useful to have different
rendering settings for each dataset group (quantity).
Some formats like .2dm only contain definition of mesh structure,
in order to show some data users need to add extra files with data
on that mesh. Until now the extra datasets were not persisted.
- Adding datasets to mesh layer from properties panel
- Information and source panel in properties panel
- Selection of active dataset (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of contours/scalars (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of mesh frame (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of vector arrows (properties or styling panel)
Checks whether a function declaration has parameters that are
top level const.
const values in declarations do not affect the signature of a
function, so they should not be put there.
Rudimentary support of rendering of vector data (e.g. velocity) on mesh map layers.
Rendering can be adjusted by QgsMeshRenderer*Settings. Only in Python
API, no GUI widgets for styling present.