* Some algorithms used almost the same label for the second layer and the output one (eg, "difference layer" vs "difference"), making hard to understand the description, in English and once translated. Overlay label is now used to name the second layer, matching the parameter identifier
* Add more details to description and try to harmonize as far as possible (more convenient for readers and translators)
* The union algorithm behavior changed deeply but its description got no updates
utils.findPlugins() checks for the existence of an __init__.py which
results in an attempt to enable a plugin without an __init__.py being
blocked with the only notification being a message in the Plugins log:
WARNING Plugin "<name>" is not compatible with this version of QGIS.
It will be disabled.
This is not very informative, especially because it is the same message
used for a metadata version mismatch.
Adding this check to Plugins.getInstalledPlugin(), which already
duplicates the metadata checks from utils.findPlugins(), results in the
plugin being marked as broken in the Plugins dialog.
Virtual layers incorrectly show no feature when the expression filter string is empty, instead of correctly showing all the features.
Subset string needs to be tested against Empty instead of Null in order to correctly populate the wheres list and prepare a well formed SQL query string.
there is 2 icons in notifications, one from the app itself and one set from the notification
the icon application seems not to be set correctly on mac for now
only the windon icon is set in main.cpp with myApp.setWindowIcon
the icon defined in application plist does not seem to be correctly set
...so in this PR we set the notification icon to be the QGIS one, so it looks nicer
Three new easter eggs:
world : Add a world map to your canvas - it is the same world map as used by the CRS chooser
contributors : Adds the contributors json (used to be in docs, now moved to resources/data)to the map canvas so you can quickly see the locations of QGIS developers in QGIS
hackfests : Adds qgis_hackfests.json (in resources/data) to the canvas so you can quickly see the locations of all historical QGIS hackfests. Note the attribute table has other interesting data too.