Allow path preprocessors to be chained and don't force replace
any existing ones.
Processors can be removed via a call to QgsPathResolver::removePathPreprocessor,
using the unique ID returned by the original call to setPathPreprocessor
QgsPathResolver::setPathPreprocessor allows setting a custom path pre-processor
function, which allows for manipulation of paths and data sources prior
to resolving them to file references or layer sources.
The processor function must accept a single string argument (representing the
original file path or data source), and return a processed version of this path.
The path pre-processor function is called before any bad layer handler.
Example - replace an outdated folder path with a new one:
def my_processor(path):
return path.replace('c:/Users/ClintBarton/Documents/Projects', 'x:/Projects/')
Example - replace a stored database host with a new one:
def my_processor(path):
return path.replace('host=', 'host=')
Example - replace stored database credentials with new ones:
def my_processor(path):
path= path.replace("user='gis_team'", "user='team_awesome'")
path = path.replace("password='cats'", "password='g7as!m*'")
return path