Some providers always retrieve geometry even if the NoGeometry flags is used in request. So in WMS GetFeatureInfo the bounding box even if it as not been configured.
The `WIT_GEOMETRY` parameter has been introduced to force getting the geometry. The project can contain a parameter to add wkt geometry in the WMS GetFeatureInfo response: `wmsFeatureInfoAddWktGeometry`
To provide something more homogeneous:
* The wkt geometry is only provided if the project has been configured to provide wkt geometry and the request contains WITH_GEOMETRY.
* The bounding box is provided if the project has been configured to provide wkt geometry
* The bounding box is not provided if the project has not been configured to provide wkt geometry
[FEATURE] fix#31575 mesh layer speed rendering improvements (LOD)
As mesh layer could have millions of triangles, rendering could be very slow, especially when all the triangles are displayed in the view whereas triangles are too small to be viewed.
For those situations QGIS has an option to simplify the mesh. Simplification leads to one or more simplified mesh that represents levels of detail (LOD). When rendering the mesh, the appropriate level of detail is chosen to have an adequate rendering depending on the view.
Instead of hiding this functionality from users, we instead add an explicit
toggle to the Table Designer dialog "Table" menu to hide or show
the header cells in the designer, and re-add the widgets which
allow users to customise the header appearance back into the
item configuration widget.
Whenever a header cell is selected in the table designer, the formatting
widgets are disabled since the item's header configuration widgets
are used to set the background/foreground color and other properties
of these cells instead.
This test is failing on master builds, causing timeouts during
the sql data load step and resulting in build failures on the
master branch. The consequence is that build caching on Travis
is broken, resulting in increasingly lengthy test build times.
If the expression was referencing a non-existing field, -1 was returned in the
result set, which caused later crashed in various providers, including the
Spatialite, Postgres, etc..., due to tried to dereference
Discarding invalid indices is what is also done in