introduce MeshDataBlock
use mesh block in rendering
calculate magnitude
use new mesh API
fix bug for memory layer
fix SIP, sip is unable to work with qvector<qgsmeshvertex>
fix tests
implement new MDAL min/max api
improve mesh documentation
fix travis build
margin is set
Instead, split this behaviour off into a new "Line border (Nautical)"
grid style. It's a very specific type of effect and won't always
be desirable when using margins with the line border style.
Iterates over the geometries in the collection, allowing this type
of code:
gc = QgsGeometryCollection()
gc.fromWkt('GeometryCollection( Point(1 2), Point(11 12), LineString(33 34, 44 45))')
for part in gc:
- Calling removeGeometry with an invalid index will now raise an IndexError
- Calling collection[0] will return the first geometry in the collection,
collection[1] the second, etc. And negative indices return from the end
of the collection, so collection[-1] returns the last geometry in the collection.
- Geometries can be deleted by calling `del collection[1]` (deletes the
second geometry from the collection). Also supports negative indices
to count from the end of the collection.
This new class QgsImageCache is the equivalent of QgsSvgCache
but for raster images.
QgsImageCache stores pre-rendered resampled versions of raster
image files, allowing efficient reuse without incurring the
cost of resampling on every render.
Additionally, it offers the other benefits QgsSvgCache has,
such as thread safety, ability to transparently download remote
images, and support for base64 encoded strings.
to show in numeric/distance widgets
E.g. to only show 2 decimal places:
# only show two decimal places in parameter's widgets, not 6:
param.setMetadata( {'widget_wrapper':
{ 'decimals': 2 }
- len(QgsCurve) returns number of points in curve
- raise IndexErrors when calling pointN, xAt, yAt, zAt, mAt, setXAt, setYAt,
setMAt, setZAt with invalid vertex indices
- Add [] getter for retrieving specific vertices, eg. ls[0] returns QgsPoint(...)
- Add [] setter for setting specific (existing) vertices, e.g. ls[1] = QgsPoint(1,2)
- Add del support for removing vertices, e.g. del ls[1] removes the second vertex
This allows easy iteration over all the parts of a geometry,
regardless of the geometry's type. E.g.
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'LineString( 0 0, 10 10 )' )
for part in
There are two iterators available. gives
a non-const iterator, allowing the parts to be modified in place:
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in
For a const iteration, calling .const_parts() gives a const
iterator, which cannot edit the parts but avoids a potentially expensive
QgsGeometry detach and clone
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in geometry.const_parts():