Groups nearby points into a single rendered marker symbol.
QgsPointDisplacementRenderer has been split into a new
pure virtual QgsPointDistanceRenderer base class which handles the
detection of clusters and grouping of points. The new cluster
renderer reuses this base class to avoid code duplication.
Additionally, some improvements have been made to the
displacement renderer, specifically:
- points are now assigned to the group which is "nearest" them,
rather then just assigning them first group within the search
distance. In some cases this was assigning features to a more
distant cluster, resulting in less predictable cluster patterns
- individual points are now correctly shown in their own
selection state
Lots of code cleanup + documentation too.
Sponsored by:
- Andreas Neumann
- Qtibia Engineering (Tudor Barascu)
- Karl-Magnus Jönsson
- Geonesia (Nicolas Ponzo)
- Plus numerous additional anonymous backers whose generous
contributions are also highly valued!
New versions of GDAL/OGR (since trunk@35289) convert list types (StringList,
IntegerList, Integer64List and RealList) to a JSON string when it stores a
Spatialite table. It sets the column type as JSONSTRINGLIST, JSONINTEGERLIST,
Allows use of a color ramp consisting of a list of selected colors.
Currently there's no way in QGIS to classify a renderer using
some list of colors you've previously selected. So you can modify
the colors manually after classifying, but that's a pain
if you're regularly using the same color scheme.
Basically, it's like the color brewer color ramp options but
allowing users to pick their own preset list of colors to use*
(Because Cynthia Brewer isn't the only cartographic color expert!)
QgsSymbol::RenderHints QFlags value instead of a raw int
Also rename DataDefinedRotation to DynamicRotation since
it is no longer used for data defined rotation
This introduces live preview when rendering WMTS layers - as soon as individual tiles are loaded, they are shown in map canvas... no need to wait with a blank map until all tiles are fully downloaded. Additionally, if there are already locally cached tiles of other zoom levels, they may be used in the preview while the tiles with best matching zoom level are being downloaded. This greatly improves the user experience when working with WMTS layers.
Additionally, I have added native support for XYZ tile layers into WMS provider (based on existing implementation of WMTS tiling). This allows loading of various new raster tile sources (e.g. OpenStreetMap tiles) that were before available only with QuickMapServices or OpenLayers plugins. To use XYZ tile layers, open the browser dock in QGIS and look for "Tile Servers (XYZ)" root entry. Right-clicking will open a menu to add connections. For example for OpenStreetMap the URL would be{z}/{x}/{y}.png
The work on WMTS live preview has been funded by Land Information New Zealand.
The work on XYZ tile layers has been funded by Lutra Consulting.
These were unused (since they were moved to data defined properties
at the symbol layer level) and were not set anywhere in
core QGIS (ie, the only way to set them was by manually calling
this api)