for initializing CRS objects.
This avoids the need for the separate QgsCRSCache class,
and means that the caching benefits are available without the
need for calling methods from QgsCrsCache.
This avoids the need for
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs;
and instead can be replaced with
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem::fromSrsId(...)
This adds the ability for users to set whether a user created
color scheme should show up in the color button drop-down menus.
It's accessed through the color picker dialog, on the lists tab.
Just add a new color scheme, then from the scheme menu tick the
new "show in buttons" option.
Handy if you have sets of common palettes and want them to be
instantly available through the color menu.
- rename methods with XML to Xml, CRS to Crs, WMS to Wms, ID to Id
- rename methods with SRS to Crs
- rename methods with abbreviations like "dest" to "destination"
- rename methods with abbreviations like "src" to "source"
Adds new methods overloads to QgsVectorLayer
getFeatures( expression )
getFeatures( ids )
getFeature( id )
These three methods to query features are by far the most used ones
and with this patch it is much easier to write and read code.
- isInitialised() has been renamed to isValid()
- theCRS parameter in setSourceCrs has been renamed to 'crs'
- setDestCRS() has been renamed to setDestinationCrs() for consistency
- destCRS() has been renamed to destinationCrs() for consistency
- theSource, theDest, theSourceSrsId, theDestSrsId, theSourceWkt,
theDestWkt, theSourceCRSType parameters in the QgsCoordinateTransform
constructors have been renamed to source, destination, sourceSrsId,
destinationSrsId, sourceWkt, destinationWkt, sourceCrsType respectively
- 'p' argument in transform() has been renamed to 'point', 'theRect' to
'rectangle', 'poly' to 'polygon'
- setDestCRSID has been removed, use setDestinationCrs() instead
- 'theNode', 'theDoc' parameters in readXML and writeXML have been
renamed to 'node' and 'document' respectively
- readXML() and writeXML() have been renamed to readXml() and writeXml()
for consistency
There was no code in core using the signals/slots associated with
QgsCoordinateTransform, and little reason to keep the class a
QObject. Making it not a QObject simplifies code and allows
QgsCoordinateTransform objects to be easily copied and passed
around without complication.
A new checkbox has been added to the legend settings to control
whether or not a legend should be automatically resized to fit
its contents.
If unchecked, then the legend will never resize and instead just
stick to whatever size the user has set. Any content which
doesn't fit the size is cropped out.
Refs #10556
On behalf of Faunalia, sponsored by ENEL