In QGIS Server 3.4, the WMTS API has been added in which the tile matrices are calculated except fro EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326.
This commit adds the capability to select the tile matrices to use with the project and to configure the top-left corner and the last level of the tile matrix. In the case of EPSG:3857 and EPSG:4326, the user can only choose the last level of the tile matrices.
Funded by Ifremer.
should show partial labels
Layout map items no longer respect the default project setting
for "show partial labels", and instead have their own, per map
setting for this option. (Under the map item properties,
labeling settings button).
The map item setting always defaults to off (unlike the canvas
setting, which defaults to true for a new project) as layouts
should always default to the settings which produce the highest
quality cartographic outputs.
In general I suspect that most users would always want to avoid
rendering partial labels in layouts, but this setting was
previously so deeply hidden that most are unaware of how to
change it. (And previous discussion about changing the canvas
setting to hide partial labels deemed this default undesirable
for the canvas, where showing even a small part of a label
on the map border can help identify what sits just on/off
the edges of the map)
The 'layercount' attribute was not used anyway and the calculated number could already be outdated when loading the project file again due to changes to embedded projects.
* layerFilterExpression
Return an additional filter, used in
WMS/GetMap, WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature to filter the features
* layerFilterSubsetString
Return an additional the subset string (typically SQL) filter.
Faster than the layerFilterExpression but not supported on all the
type of layer
* layerPermissions
Change the rights on the layer per user (known by the plugin)
Concern rights: publish, insert, update, delete.
Mostly used in WFS/Transaction, and the publish in all requests.
* authorizedLayerAttributes
Be able to show some attributes only for a subset of user
Used in: WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature
* allowToEdit
Be able to don't allow to edit a particular feature, in our case base
on the Geometry
Used in: WFS/Transaction
* cacheKey
Cache key to used to create the capabilities cache, "" for no cache,
shouldn't contains any "-", default to ""