In the project properties the user can:
* activate INSPIRE capabilities
* select language of the service, 24 EU official languages + 5 regionals
* choose the scenario for service metadata and specify them
The WMS 1.3.0 capabilities reflects the INSPIRE configuration.
The 'layercount' attribute was not used anyway and the calculated number could already be outdated when loading the project file again due to changes to embedded projects.
A number of elements have both a <Name> and a <Title>. The Name is a text string used for machine-to-machine
communication while the Title is for the benefit of humans. For example, a dataset might have the descriptive Title
“Maximum Atmospheric Temperature” and be requested using the abbreviated Name “ATMAX”.
User can already set title for layers, groups and project. OWS name is based on the name used in layer tree. This name is more a label for humans than a name for machine-to-machine communication.
To add the capability to users to define Name as a text string for machine-to-machine communication, this pull-request adds:
* short name line edits to layers properties
* WMS data dialog to layer tree group (short name, title, abstract)
* short name line edits to project properties
* add a regexp validator "^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9\._-]*" to short name line edit accessible through a static method
* add a TreeName element in the fullProjectSettings
If a short name has been set for layers, groups and project it is used by QGIS Sever as the layer name.
Fixes#13037 WFS GetCapabilities respons misses <keywords> key
Replace KeywordList by Keywords in WFS Getcapabilities and keywords in WCS GetCapabilities.
Fees and access constraints have a defined list of value by ISO. To help user editing these parameters, edit lines have been remplaced by editable combo box.
To enhance general information and has more INSPIRE compatibility, contact position is added to general information.
* defer initialization of map settings until after QgsApplication is initialized
* disable local server test
* set ogr encoding in qgsserver testproject.qgs