Similarly to raster calculator, mesh calculator can take dataset groups from current mesh layer and
combine them with various aritmentic/logical operators to new dataset group.
at the antimeridian
Whenever line segments in the input geometry cross the antimeridian, they
will be split into two segments, with the latitude of the breakpoint being
determined using a geodesic line connecting the points either side of this
If the geometry contains M or Z values, these will be linearly interpolated
for the new vertices created at the antimeridian.
and asMultiPolygon()
- raise ValueError when these methods are called with null geometries
- raise TypeError when these methods are called with incompatible
geometry types, instead of silently returning empty lists
This allows nice and simple, elegant construction of checks for
To use, Python based checks should use the decorator syntax:
from qgis.core import check
def my_layout_check(context, feedback):
results = ...
return results
Or, a more complete example. This one throws a warning when attempting
to export a layout with a map item set to the Web Mercator projection:
def layout_map_crs_choice_check(context, feedback):
layout = context.layout
results = []
for i in layout.items():
if isinstance(i, QgsLayoutItemMap) and == 'EPSG:3857':
res = QgsValidityCheckResult()
res.type = QgsValidityCheckResult.Warning
res.title='Map projection is misleading'
res.detailedDescription='The projection for the map item {} is set to <i>Web Mercator (EPSG:3857)</i> which misrepresents areas and shapes. Consider using an appropriate local projection instead.'.format(i.displayName())
return results
Better to use QVector here, because the QgsLineString/QgsGeometry
methods all use QVector too, and we want to avoid unnecessary
list->vector conversions.
Adds a new interface QgsAbstractValidityCheck which defines
a single "check" which can be performed on a given QgsValidityCheckContext.
A new application-wide QgsValidityCheckRegistry registers
and manages instances of all known checks, and allows running
of all registered checks of a specific type at once.
Initially the framework is focused toward print layout validity
checks, but the interface has been designed to be generic enough
to allow alternative types of validity checks (e.g. project save
validity checks, processing model validity checks, etc.).
The API is designed to be used both by internal validity checks
and also to be extended by custom, organisation-specific
validity checks. E.g., for print layout validity checks we could have: