to ease logging of runtime profiles.
Now it's possible to do:
with QgsRuntimeProfiler.profile('My operation'):
# do something
to automatically handle everything required to log the operation runtime
Make it easier to nest profiled calls by removing the concept of groups,
and instead allow any profiled operation to have log child operation
runtimes as well as its overall runtime.
files for each logical layer in a layout
The backend for this was previously used only when creating a GeoPDF
export, where we create an individual PDF per layout logical layer
which are then composited by GDAL.
By publicly exposing this functionality via the QgsLayoutExporter API
we allow for plugins which can export layouts to seperate logical
PDF files, allowing for other (non-GDAL) tools to be used to later
composite the layers (e.g. Adobe Illustrator (which stupidly cannot
handle multi-layer single PDF files!))
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This is useful when client needs to find out image space coordinates of a point
in map layer coordinates or vice versa. For warped VRT rasters this can't be
simply done by using geotransform matrix because the transform may be more complex.
This may be also useful functionality for identify tool to show source raster
image coordinates.
Allows exporting of temporal animation frames to successive images,
for later stitching together in an external application.
Users have precise control over the image size and map extent.
This adds a new tab in the layer styling dock widget for vector tile layers.
The new QgsVectorTileBasicLabelingWidget class is based on the code used for QgsVectorTileBasicRendererWidget
[MESH][FEATURE] Allow to select only specific subset of dataset groups in mesh layer tree
This could be done in the mesh layer properties dialog in the source tab.
A new tree view displays all the available dataset groups from the data provider. The dataset groups can be checked/unckecked and renamed.
This widget provides also buttons to load extra dataset group from files, to expand/collpase the tree, to check/unchek all items and to reset to default from the provider (for now, only the original name).
Then only the checked dataset group will be displayed in the active dataset widget in renderer settings.
Fixes#34813 by introducing a Prefetch rendering flag
and raster provider capability that can be set by
a provider when prefetching of out-of-viewport tiles
is allowed. For now it is only denied (hardcoded) for
OSM but the implementation allows per-layer setting when
a GUI element to set the flag will been created.
Allows for handling any kind of corner case, e.g. start/end time in custom
string type fields, start/end time using numeric offsets from a reference
date, etc.
Available when the mode is set to "Single Field with Date/Time"
(logically, it ONLY makes sense in this mode!), this setting
causes events to be visible whenever they have occurred before
or during the visible map temporal range.
layers set to the "Single Field with Date/Time" mode
This allows layers with a single field representing the start date
but where all features have a constant event duration to play
nicely with the temporal framework
Also add user friendly descriptions for the various temporal modes
inside the widget
Allows temporal filtering of layers which store a start time in one
field and a duration in a different numeric field. Users are given
a choice of temporal units for the duration (e.g. seconds, days, etc)
vector layer temporal settings
When a new vector layer is loaded, we scan through the fields
for likely candidates for the start and end field choices. If found,
we initially setup the temporal properties to these guessed fields,
but we DON'T automatically enable temporal properties for the layer.
It's just a nice little shortcut, much like how we auto-guess the
appropriate title field for a newly added layer
XYZ convention has zero Y at the top and increasing downwards,
but various map servers use TMS convention which has zero Y at
the bottom and rising upwards (within tile matrix)