Fixes#17724 Crash on clicking ADD in Virtual Layer
dialogue without defining a layer
A proper implementation should handle the Add button
state when a virtual layer definition is available.
Originally the background colour defaulted to white with no transparency for areas without vector data. I have added an alpha channel to the geotiff and set it zero (full transparency) for areas with no vector data. This could be optional, in case the user wants a solid background.
Fixes#17728 by setting the standard buttons in the
button box instead of manually adding them by code.
This way the buttons should honor the platform-specific
position and look&feel.
the algorithm dialog instead of immediately executing same alg
This allows users to edit the parameters before re-running,
which is a more common user-operation (e.g. changing the
input layer, changing a parameter value "oops, that buffer
was a bit too big....").
If someone wants to exactly re-run the algorithm without changes
it's only one extra click anyway...
Adds processing.createAlgorithmDialog and
processing.execAlgorithmDialog. These methods can be used
to create and execute algorithm dialogs for a specified algorithm,
optionally pre-populated with a given set of (non-default) parameter
beside add and delete child in the relationwidget of an attributeform, there is the new functionality duplicate feature. this duplicates the selected child feature and (if the child has a relation with the strength composition too) the grad child features.
Duplicate feature and with redigitizing - splitting of digitizefeature and addfeature - so we can use digitizefeature indebendantly
The partwise obsolete duplicate feature action in python is removed from canvas and feature scope (still in layer scope)
two signals now digitizingCompleted and digitizingFinished using deleteLater() for no conflicts
the addFeature is using the currentLayer. when the duplicatedigitized-action has a given layer it uses the given. otherwise the current. the given will be set as current and on decativation of the digitizing it's set back.
digitizingFinished -> digitizing made - feature can be duplicated now
digitizingFinalized -> and everything else done - MapTool can be deactivated
digitizingAborted -> it's deactivated (because of cancel or everything done does not matter) - object can be deleted