to control if changes can be saved or not. This signal is emitted before a layer is being saved and if a connected slot marks the canCommit variable as False, the layer will not be saved
not working yet, just set the menu entries
QgsMapLayerStyle::StyleCategory has moved to QgsMapLayer to avoid making QgsMapLayerStyle a QObject and they are mostly used in QgsMapLayer
* create QgsMapLayer::LayerFlags for Searchable, Identifiable and Removable
this brings back the information previously saved in the project node back to the layer node
this will allow to embed this information in layer styles
* skip unexisting flag node to avoid setting wrong value for flag
* mark QgsProject::(set)requiredLayers as deprecated
* better API docs
* use new API in current code
* more docs and more old API fixes
* fix bad conversion
* more old API fix
* add missing SIP_OUT
* s/testFlags/testFlag
* fix var name
* adapt project test to test flags
* remove debug calls
* fixeS
Checks whether a function declaration has parameters that are
top level const.
const values in declarations do not affect the signature of a
function, so they should not be put there.
This method allows to determine if a feature source has content or not
(or maybe).
This method works for "generator" sources as well as for "collection"
Collection sources like QgsVectorDataProvider which allow to easily and
in a cheap way determine if features are available can return
FeaturesAvailable or NoFeaturesAvailable, generators will return
QgsVectorDataProvider also implements an empty() method.
in a layer
This is incredibly inefficient, because selectedFeatures() actually
fetches a full copy of all selected features (including all
attributes and geometry). Instead use selectedFeatureIds(), which
is just a list of numbers.
Add warning note to docs cautioning against this practice.
Fixes massive ui lockup when right clicking on a layer with
selected features in the layer tree