Add a new class QgsDockWidget which has finer control over setting
and retrieving the dock visibility, to account for dock widgets
which are open but hidden by other docks
This allows definition of widgets embedded into layer tree for individual layers in the layer properties dialog (in new Legend tab). The idea is to have a way to quickly access to some actions that are often used with a layer.
The implementation comes with transparency widget, in the future there may be more standard widgets coming, e.g. to setup filtering, selection, style or other stuff. The API allows plugins to register their own widgets, which will be useful for various domain specific plugins to assign custom widgets to layers they manage.
This allows plugins to reuse the shortcuts manager if they
want to add the ability for users to customise their shortcut
key sequences.
The shortcut manager has been extended to also handle customisation
of QShortcut objects as well as QActions.
This commit adds a new mode to the attribute table dialog for searching
and filtering features. When activated (using a button on the toolbar
or by pressng CTRL+F), the dialog will switch to form view and all
widgets are replaced with their search widget wrapper variant.
Alongside each widget is a tool button with options for controlling
the search/filter behaviour for that field, eg "equal to", "not equal
to", "is null", "greater than", etc.., with the options presented
matching themselves to the corresponding field and widget type.
New buttons appear at the bottom of the form for either selecting
matching features (with options for add to selection/remove from
selection/select within current selection) or filtering features
in the table (with options for adding features to a current filter
or further restricting a current filter).
Sponsored by SIGE
- drag to move color stops
- double clicking to add a new stop
- pressing delete will remove the selected stop
- pressing arrow keys will move the selected stop, shift+arrow= larger
- drag and drop a color onto the widget to add a new stop
Sponsored by North Road
Usually QObjects must subclass and override methods like focusOutEvent
to handle focus events. Using this class as an event filter avoids
the need to subclass objects and the focus events can be directly
caught using the emitted signals.
This change allows the attributes of multiple features to be edited
simultaneously. It is enabled when the attribute table dialog is in
"form mode", via a new "multi edit" button on the toolbar.
In this mode, attribute value changes will apply to all selected
features. New widgets appear next to each editor widget allowing for
display of the current multi-edit state and for rolling back changes
on a field-by-field basis.
Changes are made as a single edit command, so pressing undo will
rollback the attribute changes for all selected features at once.
Multiedit mode is only available for auto generated and drag and
drop forms - it is not supported by custom ui forms.
Sponsored by Kanton Basel Stadt
and new widget QgsComposerItemComboBox for showing matching composer
Swap existing comboboxes to use the new widget, which removes a lot
of fragile code designed to allow selection of items. Additionally
the combobox now show the correct item id rather than always showing
"Map 0/1/..."
Using this renderer no symbol will be drawn for features, but labeling,
diagrams and other non-symbol parts will still be shown.
Selections can still be made on the layer in the canvas and selected
features will be rendered with a default symbol. Features being edited
will also be shown.
This is intended as a handy shortcut for layers which you only want
to show labels or diagrams for, and avoids the need to render
symbols with totally transparent fill/border to achieve this.
This adds a configuration interface and renderer that makes it easy to
put all the pieces together which are required to get a 2.5D effect.
It allow for configuring some of the styling and is meant to create an
easy-to-use setup.
Since every part of the system is built around QGIS' internal rendering
and symbology engine, there is much to fine tune. To get all the
possibilities, just change the renderer to a graduated, categorized or
single symbol renderer upon creation and you will find full access to
improve the style to your needs.
Funded by
* Regional Council of Picardy
* Ville de Nyon
* Wetu GIT cc
[FEATURE] Tracing of features (digitizing)
Tracing can be now used in various capturing map tools (add feature, add part, ...) including reshape and split tools.
Tracing is simply a new mode for these tools - when tracing is not enabled, the tools work as usual. When tracing is enabled (by clicking the new magnet icon or pressing T key), tools switch to tracing behavior:
- first click on a vertex/edge (must be snapped!) will start tracing - moving mouse on top of the map continuously updates the trace
- next click will confirm the trace and mark start of a new trace Tracing can be enabled/disabled anytime even while digitizing one feature, so it is possible to digitize some parts of the feature with tracing enabled and other parts with tracing disabled.
Tracing respects snapping configuration for the list of traceable layers.
If there are too many features in map display, tracing is disabled to avoid potentially long tracing structure preparation and large memory overhead. After zooming in or disabling some layers the tracing is enabled again.
Internally, things work like this:
- when tracing is requested, linestrings are extracted from vector layers, then noded (using GEOSNode to resolve all intersections) and finally a simple planar graph is built (vertices + edges)
- when tracing, endpoints are temporarily added to the graph (if not equal to one of existing vertices already) and Dijkstra's algorithm is run to get shortest path
Original specs for the curious ones (the interaction with QGIS is slightly improved from what has been specified):
Now all classes and members are either exposed to bindings or marked
as "not available in Python bindings" in the docs.
Drop test thresholds to 0. Now it should be much easier to determine
what missing members have been added which are causing test
This adds the possibility to manage data on a normalized relational
database in N:M relations. On the relation editor in a form, the tools
to add, delete, link and unlink work (also) on the linking table if a
relation is visualized as N:M relation.
Configuration is done through the fields tab where on the relation a
second relation can be chosen (if there is a suitable relation in terms
of a second relation on the linking table).
QGIS is not a database management system.
It is based on assumptions about the underlying database system. In
particular it expects
* A `ON DELETE CASCADE` or similar measure on the second relation
* Does not take care of setting the primary key when adding features.
Either users need to be instructed to set them manually or - if it's a
database derived value - the layers need to be in transaction mode
(currently only activatable through the API)
This introduces two new options to filter legend elements:
- filter by expression: a boolean expression can be set. Only symbols of
features that make the expression evaluated to true will be kept in the legend
- filter by polygon: only symbols of features that are inside the given
polygon will be part of the legend.
The polygon filtering is used in particular for a new option in the
composer legend that allows to filter out anything that is not included
in the current atlas polygon.