This allows nice and simple, elegant construction of checks for
To use, Python based checks should use the decorator syntax:
from qgis.core import check
def my_layout_check(context, feedback):
results = ...
return results
Or, a more complete example. This one throws a warning when attempting
to export a layout with a map item set to the Web Mercator projection:
def layout_map_crs_choice_check(context, feedback):
layout = context.layout
results = []
for i in layout.items():
if isinstance(i, QgsLayoutItemMap) and == 'EPSG:3857':
res = QgsValidityCheckResult()
res.type = QgsValidityCheckResult.Warning
res.title='Map projection is misleading'
res.detailedDescription='The projection for the map item {} is set to <i>Web Mercator (EPSG:3857)</i> which misrepresents areas and shapes. Consider using an appropriate local projection instead.'.format(i.displayName())
return results