This adds a new parameter type specifically for map scales,
QgsProcessingParameterScale. The values are evaluated using
self.parameterAsDouble, which returns the map scale
denominator (matching the standard in other parts of the
Scale parameters are displayed to users using the standard
QgsScaleWidget, which includes the combo box of predefined
scales and a shortcut button to match the current map scale.
This is a subclass of QgsProcessingParameterNumber, but specifically
for numeric parameters which represent distances. It is linked
to a parent parameter, from which the distance unit will
be determined, and is shown using a dedicated distance widget
within the processing parameters panel. This widget shows
the distance unit.
This avoids the confusion when running algorithms which
use distances where the unit depends on a layer or CRS parameter -
e.g. the distance parameter in the buffer algorithm gives
the distance in layer units... so now we can show those units
directly within the dialog. Hopefully this leads to less
user confusion and accidental "1000 degree buffers"!
Additionally - if the unit is in degrees, a small warning
icon is shown next to the parameter. The tooltip for this
icon advises users to reproject data into a suitable
projected local coordinate system.
Initially implemented for the native buffer and single
sided buffer algorithm only - but more will be added.
This allow to show checkboxes or radioboxes intead of line edit with button.
This is configurable for each algorithm thought ParameterSelection metadata parameter.
It is also possible to choose the number of columns.
This is not applied in case of the BatchDialog.
Contains variables for model parameters, algorithm results for
other child algorithms which are not dependent on the
Allows removal of final pieces of ModelerAlgorithm code