Now all classes and members are either exposed to bindings or marked
as "not available in Python bindings" in the docs.
Drop test thresholds to 0. Now it should be much easier to determine
what missing members have been added which are causing test
* layerFilterExpression
Return an additional filter, used in
WMS/GetMap, WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature to filter the features
* layerFilterSubsetString
Return an additional the subset string (typically SQL) filter.
Faster than the layerFilterExpression but not supported on all the
type of layer
* layerPermissions
Change the rights on the layer per user (known by the plugin)
Concern rights: publish, insert, update, delete.
Mostly used in WFS/Transaction, and the publish in all requests.
* authorizedLayerAttributes
Be able to show some attributes only for a subset of user
Used in: WMS/GetFeatureInfo, WFS/GetFeature
* allowToEdit
Be able to don't allow to edit a particular feature, in our case base
on the Geometry
Used in: WFS/Transaction
* cacheKey
Cache key to used to create the capabilities cache, "" for no cache,
shouldn't contains any "-", default to ""
Much simpler GUI with a single method for all
cases. handleRequest now returns both headers and
body in a QPair.
Python binding returns a tuple of QByteArray.
* move src/mapserver to src/server (IMHO better name and in sync with
* rename cmake option WITH_MAPSERVER to WITH_SERVER