This is a subclass of QgsProcessingParameterNumber, but specifically
for numeric parameters which represent distances. It is linked
to a parent parameter, from which the distance unit will
be determined, and is shown using a dedicated distance widget
within the processing parameters panel. This widget shows
the distance unit.
This avoids the confusion when running algorithms which
use distances where the unit depends on a layer or CRS parameter -
e.g. the distance parameter in the buffer algorithm gives
the distance in layer units... so now we can show those units
directly within the dialog. Hopefully this leads to less
user confusion and accidental "1000 degree buffers"!
Additionally - if the unit is in degrees, a small warning
icon is shown next to the parameter. The tooltip for this
icon advises users to reproject data into a suitable
projected local coordinate system.
Initially implemented for the native buffer and single
sided buffer algorithm only - but more will be added.
Allows algorithms to pre-processes a set of parameters, allowing the
algorithm to clean their values.
This method is automatically called after users enter parameters, e.g.
via the algorithm dialog. This method should NOT be called manually
by algorithms.
ModelerParametersDialog and ParametersPanel have to keep list of
wrappers only. widget and label( if needed) are created through
execution on generated layers after the algorithm (or parent
model) completes
This commit adds an interface for layer post-processing handlers
for execution following a processing algorithm operation.
Post-processing of a layer will ONLY occur if that layer is set
to be loaded into a QGIS project on algorithm completion.
Algorithms that wish to set post-processing steps for generated
layers should implement this interface in a separate class
(NOT the algorithm class itself!) and implement a method
to handle the layer post-processing.
This method always runs in the main thread and can be used to
setup renderers, editor widgets, metadata, etc for the given layer.
in model child algorithms
Prior to this change if you edited an algorithm in a model and
tried to enter a preset string for certain parameter types, this
string would get silently discarded on closing the dialog. E.g.
with a dissolve algorithm it was not possible to have a fixed
field name within the model to dissolve by.
This was caused by WidgetWrapper.comboValue returning the customData
for these manually entered values in the parameters combo box,
yet manually entered values never have custom data.
To work around this we only return the custom data if its
set for the selected item - otherwise we return the text unchanged.
In order to handle the "[not set]" options, a new static custom
data value of WidgetWrapper.NOT_SET_OPTION is added to that
comboValue can detect this and return the appropriate None value.
if they are unique in the current project
Instead of always using the layer id, which is generally
gibberish and meaningless for users, instead prefer to use
the layer name as an input in the batch processing dialog. This
is done only if the name is unique within the current project's
loaded layers.
This change makes the dialog more user-friendly, but more importantly
it means that autofilling output values based on an input layer
parameter generates more meaningful automatic output file names.
Some filters are fast enough to return results that it's overkill
to run them in a background thread - add a flag to these filters
to allow them to run (blocking) in the main thread instead.
- add a clone() method to filters, and always search using the
clone instead of the original filter
- add a prepare() method to filters, which is always run in the
main thread and can be used to prepare the filter for safe
background execution (e.g. creating feature iterators in advance)
- don't use QtConcurrent to perform searches in background threads,
since it is not safe to use with QObjects
- instead manually create threads and ensure that cloned objects
are always moved to the thread that they will run in, to ensure
that they correctly have thread affinity with the thread in which
they are executed