Attempts to allocate memory for at least the specified number of geometries.
If the number of geometries is known in advance, calling this function
prior to adding geometries will prevent reallocations and memory fragmentation.
... you are too slow and QJson API is so ugly.
Now using this wonderful json lib:
Results in release mode (QJson tests are not shown but
QJson was even slower than string concat).
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportAttributesJson(Use json)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportAttributesJson():"Use json":
0.0022 msecs per iteration (total: 75, iterations: 32768)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportAttributesJson(Use old string concat)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportAttributesJson():"Use old string concat":
0.0032 msecs per iteration (total: 54, iterations: 16384)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportFeatureJson(Use json)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportFeatureJson():"Use json":
0.011 msecs per iteration (total: 96, iterations: 8192)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportFeatureJson(Use old string concat)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportFeatureJson():"Use old string concat":
0.015 msecs per iteration (total: 64, iterations: 4096)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportGeomToJson(Use json)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportGeomToJson():"Use json":
0.76 msecs per iteration (total: 98, iterations: 128)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportGeomToJson(Use old string concat)
RESULT : TestQgsJsonUtils::testExportGeomToJson():"Use old string concat":
0.85 msecs per iteration (total: 55, iterations: 64)
PASS : TestQgsJsonUtils::cleanupTestCase()
For non-point geometry subclasses (points are always valid!) we
now cache the results of a geometry validity check. Subsequent
checks utilise the cached result wherever possible.
Because QgsGeometry/QgsFeature objects are implicitly shared, this
means that we avoid a *lot* of duplicate validity checks as
features and geometries are thrown around during processing model
Iterates over the geometries in the collection, allowing this type
of code:
gc = QgsGeometryCollection()
gc.fromWkt('GeometryCollection( Point(1 2), Point(11 12), LineString(33 34, 44 45))')
for part in gc:
- Calling removeGeometry with an invalid index will now raise an IndexError
- Calling collection[0] will return the first geometry in the collection,
collection[1] the second, etc. And negative indices return from the end
of the collection, so collection[-1] returns the last geometry in the collection.
- Geometries can be deleted by calling `del collection[1]` (deletes the
second geometry from the collection). Also supports negative indices
to count from the end of the collection.
This allows easy iteration over all the parts of a geometry,
regardless of the geometry's type. E.g.
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'LineString( 0 0, 10 10 )' )
for part in
There are two iterators available. gives
a non-const iterator, allowing the parts to be modified in place:
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in
For a const iteration, calling .const_parts() gives a const
iterator, which cannot edit the parts but avoids a potentially expensive
QgsGeometry detach and clone
geometry = QgsGeometry.fromWkt( 'MultiPoint( 0 0, 1 1, 2 2)' )
for part in geometry.const_parts():