Reports are based on the new layouts engine. They consist of multiple
nested sections. Each individual section (and the report itself)
can have an optional header and footer (which are themselves layouts,
and can consist of multiple pages!).
Two different types of sections are implemented so far:
- a standard section, which has a single, static body layout. This
can be used to embed static layouts mid way through a report
- a "field group" section, which repeats its body layout for
every feature in a layer. The features are sorted by the selected
grouping feature (with an option for ascending/descending sort).
If a field group section has child sections (e.g. another field
group section with a different field, then only features
with unique values for the group feature are iterated over.
This allows nested reports, e.g.
- Country: Australia
- State: NSW
- Town: Sydney
- Town: Woolongong
- State: QLD
- Town: Beerburrum
- Town: Brisbane
- Town: Emerald
- Country: NZ
- State: ... etc
In this example country, state or town groups can have their
own headers and footers which will be inserted in the report.
Reports are configured through a new panel in the layout designer
dialog, which is shown when editing a report (created through
the Layout Manager Dialog). The organizer allows for adding
(and removing) sections to the report, and for selecting which
layout (e.g. headers, footers, bodies) to edit within the
layout designer.
the issue was that widget wrapper was using parent QDateTimeEdit::dateTimeChanged signal. It was connected both internally to QgsDateTimeEdit::changed and in the form to detect changes. When QgsAttributeForm was recreating the updated feature it was calling QgsDateTimeEdit::value() before changed() could update the value (i.e. setting mIsNull to false).
Before we had two checks - equals() and isGeosEqual() which
performed the exact same check (since equals() called the geos
equality test)
Since the geos equality test is a slow, topological test, which
considers two geometries equal if their component edges overlap,
but disregards ordering of vertices this is not always what we
want. There's also the issue that geos cannot consider m values
when testing the geometries, so two geometries with different
m values would be reported equal.
So, now calling QgsGeometry::equals performs a very fast, strict
equality test where geometries are only equal if the have exactly
the same vertices, type, and order.
And swap most code which was calling the slow geos test to instead
use the fast strict native test.