This style represents decimal numbers as vulgar fractions, e.g.
"3/4" instead of 0.75.
Options include using Unicode superscript and subscript characters
for nicer typography, e.g. ¹⁷/₂₃ (this is the default mode, disabling
this option uses the "17/23" format). An option also exists for
using dedicated unicode characters for specific fractions (where
a unicode character exists), e.g. ½ or ¾
Ultimately this allows for creation of scalebars with fractional
representations of distances, e.g. 0 ----- ½ ----- 1 km
(instead of 0 ------ 0.5 ------ 1km)
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and profile options
The Settings - Options - Map Tools tab contains a new setting for
controlling the default format to use for displaying angular bearings for
newly created projects. Whenever a new project is created, it will
inherit this default settings.
The Project Properties dialog also has a new setting for the project-specific
bearing format.
The intention is that whenever angular bearings are shown in QGIS,
they will be formatted using the current project's bearing format