For the c++ api dox this expands to "\c nullptr" (the
\c directive indicates a code literal value), and for sipify/Python
it expands to ``None`` (`` is sphinx annotation for literal values)
Makes for nicer dox for both c++ and Python!
flag in a single call
This is much more efficient then making two calls, since the
QgsRasterBlock::isNoData() check internally calls QgsRasterBlock::value().
So by requiring API users to make the two separate calls individually,
we double the time this process takes...
actually fetching the raster block data
This allows for efficient iteration over a "reference" layer, where
you require the block extent/origin/pixel size/etc (but not the
reference layer block data itself!), in order to fetch a block from
a DIFFERENT set of rasters (but keeping these pixel-aligned to the
reference raster).
not working yet, just set the menu entries
QgsMapLayerStyle::StyleCategory has moved to QgsMapLayer to avoid making QgsMapLayerStyle a QObject and they are mostly used in QgsMapLayer
- baseName is just passed on to the parent constructor to be the display
name, use a literal string in the example to avoid misunderstanding.
- Remove stray bullet.
In my simple test case this made map rendering of RGB satellite image tiles
go down by ~50% from ~40ms per tile to ~20ms per tile (in debug version, ahem)
- Adding datasets to mesh layer from properties panel
- Information and source panel in properties panel
- Selection of active dataset (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of contours/scalars (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of mesh frame (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of vector arrows (properties or styling panel)
A pseudo color renderer was getting created in classify() but never deleted.
Spotted by @PeterPetrik
As a bonus switched a for loop from mixed constBegin()/end() usage to range for.