Returns the portion of a line (or curve) geometry which falls
between the specified start and end distances (measured from the
beginning of the line). Z and M values are linearly interpolated
from existing values.
Here's the rules if you want to add more here (developed by
@nirvn and myself)
- Keep colors in the "middle" - avoid too light or too dark colors,
too light colors will make line layers invisible on the
default white background, too dark colors are too visually heavy
for polygon areas
- Avoid over saturated/pure colors, which are too visually heavy. E.g.
- No blues! Blues have a single meaning on maps (water) and we're
almost never going to fluke that a randomly assigned blue color
is given to a water feature layer. So we just avoid blues altogether
as users are almost always going to have to change layers away
from blue anyway.
- Avoid yellow. Yellow is used as the default selected feature color
in QGIS, so keep colors well away from this yellow to avoid confusion
between selected/unselected yellow layers
- Keep things "happy", "positive" and "friendly". No baby puke green/browns
The value relation widget filter expression can now use two
new functions/variables that have access to the current
values and geometry of the form being edited.
This allows for dynamic filtering (drill-down) as explained
in the crowdfunding page:
The new functions/variables are:
get_current_form_field_value( 'FIELD_NAME' )
NTv2 grid available here:
More information:
INSERT INTO "tbl_datum_transform" VALUES(NULL, 100017, "4314", "4258", "9615", "BWTA2017.gsb", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "Transformation for the German federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg: Diese NTv2-Datei deckt das Gebiet von Baden-Wuerttemberg ab und ist daher ausschliesslich für die Transformation von Geo(fach)daten innerhalb von Baden-Wuerttemberg geeignet. Dieser Ansatz ist für Geo(fach)daten zu verwenden welche auf Basis der ALKIS Daten gefuehrt und erstellt werden.", "For applications requiring an accuracy of better than 1 metre.", 1, 0, 3339);
width buffers
- tapered_buffer
- buffer_by_m
expression functions. These expose the same functionality as the
equivalent processing algorithms but for use in expressions
such as geometry generators.