I'm not sure what sip voodoo is preventing the bindings from
calling methods in the base class, so for QGIS <3.0 I've aliased
all the new signatures and will rename them back for 3.0
- there was a lot of large objects passed by value, so potentially
there's a speed bump from this
- even for implicitly shared classes like QString/QList there's still
a (small) cost for copying the objects when there's no reason to
- it's the right thing to do!
There is new "filter" button in layers panel that toggles this functionality
and in composer legend widget.
Related feature is that layer tree now shows symbols in map units with correct size
(even when filtering is not enabled) so as the map view changes the legend node icons
are updated too (if they use map units).
GetLegendGraphics in WMS server
This is an extension of standard GetLegendGraphics request according to MapServer RFC 101.
See the document for more details: http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-101.html
In summary, clients need to add BBOX and CRS/SRS parameters to get appropriate legend based on the given map view.
Parameters WIDTH and HEIGHT are also taken into account as they specify map view image size for correct calculation
of size of legend symbols (if they are based on map units).
This software has been commissioned by Tuscany Region (Italy),
co-funded by the European Commission and developed under the project LIFE12 ENV/IT/001054 LIFE + IMAGINE.
The software has been realized by Gis3W s.a.s.
Questo software è stato commissionato da Regione Toscana (Italia),
cofinanziato dalla Commissione Europea e sviluppato nell'ambito del progetto LIFE12 ENV/IT/001054 LIFE + IMAGINE.
Il software è stato realizzato da Gis3W s.a.s.