Intended as a registry for the various processing components,
including providers, algorithms and various parameters and outputs.
Currently handles only registration of providers, as a step toward
removing processing's algList (this requires first porting
the algorithm class to c++)
A QgsProcessingRegistry instance is attached to QgsApplication,
and is retrieved by QgsApplication::processingRegistry()
Nothing particularly exciting here yet, but this commit
moves the definition of the provider base class to a c++
QgsProcessingProvider abstract base class.
As part of this some existing python methods were renamed
to make their use clearer and to fit with the QGIS c++
api conventions:
- getName was renamed to id
- getDescription was renamed to name
- getIcon was renamed to icon
These API breaks are documented
spell check will be done automatically in words by default (when some conditions are fulfilled)
possibility to avoid in words checking by adding :* at the end in spelling.dat
one can add #spellok at the end of a line of code to skip spell check on this line
Crs parameters in algorithm settings in modeler
This makes it easier to pick static CRSes for the parameter,
and also makes it obvious to users that they can use a fixed
CRS parameter in their model (as opposed to one taken from
a layer or input)
This adds a new input type for expression inputs. Expression
inputs can be linked to a parent layer so that the builder
shows the correct fields and layer variables.
It's designed for two use cases:
1. to be used when an algorithm specifically requires an expression,
eg Select by Expression and Extract by Expression.
2. to be potentially used as a replacement input instead of string
or number literals in algorithms. Eg - if the simplify algorithm
tolerance parameter was replaced with an expression paremeter, then
this expression would be evaluated for every feature before
simplifying that feature. It would allow parameters to be calculated
per feature, as opposed to the current approach of calculating
a parameter once before running the algorithm. It would also
mean algorithms like "variable distance buffer" would no longer
be needed, as a single "buffer" algorithm could then be used
for either a fixed distance, field based, or expression based