Since the majority of users of this class will be exporting
an existing map layer to a data provider, the QgsVectorLayerImport
name is misleading and suggests that this class is designed
just to bring layers "into" QGIS.
Explicitly naming the class "Exporter" should help API users
discover this class.
Also cleanup API and improve docs
And use wherever custom widgets were being created. Reduces
duplicate code and allows specialised handling for raster
band display/selection to be centralized.
Make maps invalidate cache whenever layer order changes. Cache mode
is now identical to Render mode, so all mode switching has been
removed from composer maps. This should greatly simplify the learning
curve and usability of composer maps.
No longer required - the Cache mode is now performant enough
that we don't have to rely on the old rectangle preview
when desiring responsive composers
The geometry cache was only used for few geometry editing operations anyway. In earlier versions
of QGIS the geometry cache was also used by old snapping classes which have been replaced
by QgsPointLocator that also keeps a spatial index of geometries and it is not rebuilt on every re-render.
Reasons for removal:
- geometry cache was repopulated on every redraw of layers in editing mode, slowing down rendering
- data structure for the cache was a simple map with features accessed by their ID (no spatial index)
- the cache was only getting refreshed for the current view of the main map canvas (not a generic cache)
- not used for snapping anymore where caching was important to avoid roundtrips to data provider
- provider() was renamed to createProvider()
- selectWidget() was renamed to createSelectionWidget()
- providerLibrary() was renamed to createProviderLibrary()
Move all scalebar rendering code out of composer and ensure that
all scalebar rendering is done independant of QgsComposerScaleBar
This allows scalebar rendering code to be reused by plugins
and by non-composer code.
Also rename QgsScaleBarStyle -> QgsScaleBarRenderer, (and all
subclasses too). This name better reflects what these classes do.
Also cleanup API for addFeature(s) in QgsVectorLayer, by removing
the unused extra argument from addFeature() and be removing the
makeSelected argument from addFeatures() (code should be adapted
to manually select added features after adding if desired - this
was only used in a single place in the QGIS code and I suspect
this was unintentional in any case)
Another bit to make core library independent from QgsProject::instance().
Until now labeling engine configuration was taken from project singleton.
Removed legacy methods from QgsPalLabeling - the class now does not have
any more member variables/methods, it is just a bunch of helper functions.
(PR #4384)
- setEllipsoidalMode() was removed. Ellipsoidal calculations are
now enabled whenever a valid ellipsoid() has been set. Set the
ellipsoid to 'NONE' to disable ellipsoidal calculations.
- ellipsoidalEnabled() was removed. Ellipsoidal calculations
are now enabled whenever a valid ellipsoid() is set. Check
willUseEllipsoid() to determine whether ellipsoidal
calculations will be performed.
- sourceCrs() and setSourceCrs() now always take and return
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem objects. All string/ID based CRS
methods were removed.
- geographic() was removed. This was only used internally
in one place, so was replaced with sourceCrs().isGeographic() instead.
- some largely overlapping measurement functions were consolidated
Instead of progress changed signals on the provider/layer level,
instead use QgsFeedback arguments for methods which previously
emitted progress changed signals
Previously the renderer required that pixel values followed
sequential numerical order. This refactor allows values to
be skipped, so that only certain color index will be rendered.