[FEATURE] [mesh] Load reference time from MDAL when available
Also adds combo box to let the user set the provider time unit. This is particularly useful when MDAL incorrectly recognised the time units in the raw dat format (for example format does nof follow spec and it is not possible to determine if time interval is in hours or days)
* [feature] support datasets with data defined on faces in mesh calculator, fix#30219, fix#30170
added "driver" and "group name" to the calculator interface.
MDAL now supports 3 drivers for storing results, so user must be able to choose appropriate driver and dataset group name (some drivers store multiple groups to 1 file)
Stacked 3D meshes store values on the volumes that are regularly stacked over base 2d mesh. User can select various 3d to 2d averaging/interpolation method to convert values on volumes (3d) to values on faces (2d) that can be shown in mesh layer. This is achieved by new tab in the mesh layer properties dialog.
Similarly to raster calculator, mesh calculator can take dataset groups from current mesh layer and
combine them with various aritmentic/logical operators to new dataset group.
introduce MeshDataBlock
use mesh block in rendering
calculate magnitude
use new mesh API
fix bug for memory layer
fix SIP, sip is unable to work with qvector<qgsmeshvertex>
fix tests
implement new MDAL min/max api
improve mesh documentation
fix travis build
Until now there was just one scalar and vector configuration
for a mesh layer. It is however most useful to have different
rendering settings for each dataset group (quantity).
Some formats like .2dm only contain definition of mesh structure,
in order to show some data users need to add extra files with data
on that mesh. Until now the extra datasets were not persisted.
- Adding datasets to mesh layer from properties panel
- Information and source panel in properties panel
- Selection of active dataset (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of contours/scalars (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of mesh frame (properties or styling panel)
- Styling of vector arrows (properties or styling panel)
Checks whether a function declaration has parameters that are
top level const.
const values in declarations do not affect the signature of a
function, so they should not be put there.
Rudimentary support of rendering of vector data (e.g. velocity) on mesh map layers.
Rendering can be adjusted by QgsMeshRenderer*Settings. Only in Python
API, no GUI widgets for styling present.