Sandro Santilli
Use a simpler image for testing composer map rotation and overview
Update expected results and configuration of new image
Add rendering anomalies, as determined by travis ubuntu 12.02
2015-02-05 19:08:11 +01:00 |
Nyall Dawson
Switch to RGB32 images for composition checker
2014-11-14 18:30:29 +01:00 |
Nyall Dawson
Use a non-transparent background for composition checker
Fix composerhtml tests on precise
2014-11-14 18:30:28 +01:00 |
Nyall Dawson
Rebuild composer test images at 96 dpi to speed up unit tests
2014-09-21 19:47:39 +10:00 |
Nyall Dawson
[composer] Fix order of vertices returned by mapPolygon when map rotation is set, fix drawing overview frame when either map is rotated (fix #10644)
2014-06-23 19:14:39 +10:00 |