Updated data:
- countries(poly): Admin 0 level boundaries
- states_provinces(poly): Admin 1 level boudnaries
Updated styling:
- disputed_borders(line): Disputed Admin 0 level borders.
New styling to make these borders stand out less.
Attribute tables of all layers contain the name and identification codes fields.
The geometries of of countries and states_provinces has both been processed
from the same source data (NE admin level 1 borders);
Geometries vere generalized and attribute tables were cleaned in order to reduce size.
For the countries layer, attribute table fields have been joined in from the original
admin level 0 dataset.
Data source: Natural Earth 1:10m generalization level, admin level 0 and level 1 datasets
(version 4.1.0)
- countries(poly): Admin 0 level boundaries: Now Correct topology, higher level of detail
- states_provinces(poly): Admin 1 level boudnaries of the top 15 largest countries by area:
Russia, Antarctica, Canada, United States, China, Brazil,
Australia, India, Argentina, Kazakhstan,
Dem. Republic Of Congo, Algeria, Greenland, Mexico, Saudi Arabia
- disputed_borders(line): Disputed Admin 0 level borders
Attribute tables of all layers contain the name and identification codes fields.
Source: Natural Earth 1:10m generalization level - version 4.1.0 datasets.
Three new easter eggs:
world : Add a world map to your canvas - it is the same world map as used by the CRS chooser
contributors : Adds the contributors json (used to be in docs, now moved to resources/data)to the map canvas so you can quickly see the locations of QGIS developers in QGIS
hackfests : Adds qgis_hackfests.json (in resources/data) to the canvas so you can quickly see the locations of all historical QGIS hackfests. Note the attribute table has other interesting data too.