Because feature.geometry().geometry() is confusing, and impossible
to search for in python code (e.g. is input.geometry() a QgsGeometry
or a QgsAbstractGeometry?)
But more importantantly: also add a const version
QgsGeometry::constGet(). The non-const
version is slow, since it now forces a detach to avoid corrupting
geometries (since QgsGeometry is shared, it's not safe to directly
access its primitive QgsAbstractGeometry and start messing with
it without first detaching). This is a big risk in the 2.x API
which could potentially corrupt feature geometries with unexpected
Update all uses to constGet where possible.
Now that our minimum VS studio version allowed supports std::round,
we should use that in place of Qt's qRound method.
- it doesn't truncate to int, resulting in unpredictable
behaviour (refs #16925)
- better to stick to standard c++ methods wherever possible,
since they're likely better supported and optimised by the
- it's a tiny reduction to the barrier for entry to QGIS
development (I'm sick of pointing out the need to use
qRound during PR reviews!)
These classes are unused in the master QGIS code, and are
unmaintained and with no unit tests or other QA, and
have inflexible API (e.g. always requiring writing outputs
to shapefiles)
They all have equivalent algorithms available via Processing
(where the algorithms are unit tested and maintained). We should
be pushing all QGIS api users to use the Processing algorithms
This unifies the way the include directories are handled in the
CMakeLists.txt files.
Paths are now normally relative to the root of the source- or build dir.
They may still be relative for paths withing a plugin subdirectory but
should no longer be relative to paths outside of the current source- or
The previous approach had resultet in many different styles which are
hard to wrap ones head around if new to the build system.
It sometimes defined includes twice
By using relative paths, it was not possible to copy paste the paths
between different files.
Used for snapping geometries within a set of features to other
features from that same set.
Just like QgsGeometrySnapper, except that where QgsGeometrySnapper
requires a separate reference layer to snap to
QgsInternalGeometrySnapper snaps *within* a single layer. E.g.
allows you to close gaps within that layer.
With a new option to prefer to snap to closest point on geometry.
The old behaviour was to prefer to snap to nodes, even if a node
was further from the input geometry than a segment. The new option
allows you to snap geometries to the closest point, regardless
of whether it's a node or segment.
GDAL 2.0 changed (fixed) the bilinear downsampling algorithm, so
switch to the average algorithm so that test results are the same
for GDAL versions >= 2.0 and < 2.0.
QString methods
Using single quotes is a significant performance boost. Rough
benchmarks indicate the QString single quote methods take
about 15% of the time the double quote variants take.
- use at() instead of [] for temporary containers (at() returns
const reference, so it avoids the detach which occurs with [])
- use at( 0 ) rather than first() for containers, because first()
detaches (Qt5 introduced constFirst()/constLast() to overcome this)
- Main C++ core and gui classes and desktop app integration
- Support for authentication method plugins
- Does not contain any integration with service connections